2009 Superior National Forest Prescribed Burn Plan

forestserivelogo The US Forest is planning several prescribed burns in the Gunlint and Tofte Ranger Districts during 2009. Fire projects are planned for May/June and September/October.

Firewise Minnesota, a program run by the DNR Forestry Division to address the risk of wildfire to homes, has information on each of the nine sites HERE, including location, size of burn, approximate timing and maps.

According to the US Forest Service web site, “Prescribed Fire is any fire ignited by management actions to meet specific objectives. Prescribed fire is used as a tool for fuels reduction, vegetation management, and wildlife habitat maintenance on the Superior National Forest.” Past and ongoing uses include fuel reduction in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness following the 1999 blowdown.

For more information on US Forest Service prescribed fire projects in Superior National Forest, visit the US Forest Service Superior National Forest Prescribed Fire Planning site HERE. Or, for general information about Forest Service prescribed fire practices, visit the US Forest Service Prescribed Fire web page HERE.

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