Grant Activity

The Quetico Superior Foundation is engaged in awarding grants to qualified 501(c)3 tax exempt organizations. The grants represent a wide range of projects including land preservation, forest management studies, wilderness youth programs, community development and education, and historical preservation. Any group interested in applying for a grant should contact us. It is our vision that our ongoing approval of these grants will directly and dramatically impact the quality of wilderness preservation of the region. A listing of recent grants follows below.



Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness
Grant to support project for citizen water monitoring and water quality study.

Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy
Grant to continue Meyers and Chambers sulfide mining research.

Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness
Grant to continue research into the scientific and economic impacts of sulfide mining and tourism near the Boundary Waters.

Wilderness Inquiry
Grant to support wilderness adventure trip for Somali youths, educating in winter camping and outdoors skills.

Heart of the Continent Partnership
Grant to facilitate and promote the 2018 Science Symposium and round-table meetings in Duluth with cross-disciplinary participants from Quetico Superior region.

Ernest Oberholtzer Foundation
Grant to support an endowment to further the Foundation’s work.



Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy
Grant to continue research on the tailings basin and hydrology research in the proposed sulfide mining projects near the BWCA.

Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness
Supporting research into the scientific and economic impacts of sulfide mining and tourism near the Boundary Waters.

Voyageurs National Park Association
Grant to support a Teen Ambassador program for the National Park.

Grant to support an research regarding methylmercury pollution associated with sulfide mining in the region.

Urban Boatbuilders
Grant to support Urban Boatbuilders services to underprivileged youth to include “life-changing experiences through canoe building and BWCAW wilderness trips.”



Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness
Grant to support the publishing of Dr. Tom Myer’s water flow modeling report in a peer-reviewed publication and inclusion in the environmental review process of the proposed sulfide mining near the BWCA.

Grant to update Dr. Spencer Philip’s study on the wealth generation effects of the BWCA region with a study on the costs of sulfide-ore mining and the threats that it poses to the economy of northeastern Minnesota.

Voyageurs National Park Association
Grant to support Dr. Tom Myer’s creation of a water flow model for the region that will affect Voyageurs National Park as a result of sulfide-ore mining.



Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute
Grant to help sponsor the Lake Superior Wilderness Conference held in Duluth Minnesota.

Urban Boatbuilders
Grant to support Urban Boatbuilders expansion of services to underprivileged youth to include “life-changing experiences through canoe building and BWCAW wilderness trips.”

The Trust for Public Land
Grant to support the conservation purchase of Gusty Island on Burntside Lake as an addition to the Burntside Scientific and Natural Area.

Grant to support an assessment regarding mercury pollution and health impacts associated with sulfide mining in the region.

Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness
Grant to support further scientific research surrounding water quality issues and sulfide mining in the region.



Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness
To support “Sustainable Ely” an education center in Ely focused on educating members of the public about threats posed by mining of copper, nickel, and other metals in sulfide-bearing ores in the Quetico-Superior ecosystem and the importance of permanent protection of the Boundary Waters watershed.

Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy
To assist MCEA in retaining two groundwater modeling experts with the objective to provide thoughtful commentary and technical analysis on both the water quality and water quantity aspects of the PolyMet groundwater model.



Ernest Oberholtzer Foundation
Grant to fund a tour of the communities visited by Ernest Oberholtzer and Billy Magee during their 1912 epic canoe voyage.

Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness
Grant to be used August 2012 through January 2013 to raise general public awareness on the sulfide mining issues in the Quetico-Superior region.

Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness
Grant to support the Friends of the Boundary Waters Education Committee in presenting the 2013 Sigurd Olson Lecture Series.



Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness
Grant to fund an economic report and cost-benefit analysis regarding the potential impact of proposed sulfide mining operations in Northeastern Minnesota.

The Trust for Public Land
Grant to assist completion of real estate acquisition on Gaul Island, on Burntside Lake.



Voyageurs National Park Association
Grant to support efforts to preserve the Namakan River from being dammed at the High Falls in Northern Ontario.

Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness
Grant to support the distribution and promotion of a film called “Precious Waters” that presents the potential impacts of proposed sulfide mining in Northern Minnesota.

Ernest Oberholtzer Foundation
Grant to support ongoing capitol improvement projects on Mallard Island.

Heart of the Continent Partnership
Grant to support “kick off” of the Sustainable Gateway Communities Initiative in the border lakes region. The goal of the initiative is to build stronger economic, social, and environmental connections between communities and their neighboring public lands for mutual benefit.



Trust for Public Land
Grant to help conserve a private 11-acre parcel bordering the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness at the motorized entry point on Fall Lake.



Hamline University Center for Global Environmental Education
Grant to support CGEE in undertaking a public education initiative that will inform citizens, educators and students about current environmental challenges to the Boundary Waters region and engage them in addressing these concerns. The initiative will be developed as part of CGEE’s internationally acclaimed “Waters to the Sea” multimedia education program and will involve the creation of a suite of interactive resources that will be distributed via the Web and on CD ROM.



Heart of the Continent Partnership
Grant for continuing support of a coordinator for HOCP.

Wilderness Inquiry
Grant to support their wilderness canoe programs which work to educate underprivileged youths in camping and leadership skills.



Heart of the Continent Partnership
Grant to fund hiring a coordinator for HOCP. This individual will work with the Steering Committee to coordinate the process for the year, assist in implementing projects, develop a long-term governance structure, and work to obtain funding for the long-term viability of the Partnership.

The Trust for Public Land
A grant to help conserve the iconic Chainsaw Sisters portage in to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and a grant to fund exploration into the native history of Wolf Island on Lake Vermillion.

Voyageurs National Park Association
Grant for second year of funding to strengthen and expand the Voyageurs National Park volunteer trail project.

Quetico Superior Foundation
Self funded project to develop a pilot program for white pine seed planting. Distributing seeds through home-owners associations, camps, and other organizations in non-restricted areas of northeastern Minnesota.



The Nature Conservancy in Minnesota
Grant to launch pilot meetings to form the Heart of the Continent Partnership – a vision for the 5 million acre landscape of Superior National Forest, BWCA, Quetico, Voyageurs National Park and the wild Ontario boreal forests.

Ernest Oberholtzer Foundation
Grant to renovate and stabilize the “Old Man River House” on Mallard Island in Rainy Lake which was the home of Ernest Oberholtzer for more than 50 years.

The Trust for Public Land
Grant to help conserve Wolf Island, an undeveloped 60 acre island in Lake Vermillion, for transfer to the Superior National Forest.



Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy
Grant to help the implementation of the MCEA’s Range of Natural Viability (RNV) modeling tools. MCEA’s goal in developing and implementing the RVN tool has been to ensure that Minnesota’s forests are both ecologically healthy and economically productive.

The Trust for Public Land
Grant to help conserve a parcel of land located on Johnson Lake, which shares its shoreline with Voyageurs National Park and Superior National Forest.

Voyageurs National Park Association
Grant to help create a pilot program to establish a volunteer program to maintain hiking, skiing and snowshoeing trails in Voyageurs National Park.



Boundary Waters Wilderness Foundation
Grant to support the production and distribution of “Protect the Wilderness,” a video and DVD that is a mandatory viewing by all visitors before entering the canoe country.

Northern Minnesotans for Wilderness
Grant to educate fishermen in the Ely area of the dangers of lead sinkers to eagles, loons and water birds and to promote the lead tackle exchange.

The Trust for Public Land
Grant to help conserve Long Island on Burntside Lake close to Listening Point.

YMCA Camp Menogyn– “Joie de Travail”
Grant to help fund 10 fifteen to seventeen year old campers for a three-week immersion canoe trip in Quetico Provincial Park.



College of Natural Resources, University of Minnesota
Grant to fund the production of an outreach brochure for the documentary and historical film: “Minnesota: a History of the Land”.

Friends of Quetico Park
Groundwork funding for production of a film by Kevin Callan–Leopold’s Quetico. The film is indented to showcase the peace, solitude and sanctuary of the Quetico Provincial Park.

Ernest Oberholtzer Foundation
Grant to help restore the rock walls which line Mallard Island and prevent shore line erosion from wave and ice action.

The Nature Conservancy
Grant to help launch a community based conservation program structured on a Canada/US Nature Conservancy partnership.



Lee and Rose Warner Nature Center
Co-sponsorship of a forum “Coming Home to the Wilderness,” featuring Joe Paddock, author of Keeper of the Wild.

Minnesota Land Trust
Grant to help establish conservation easements with 6 landowners on Lake Vermillion and Burntside Lake– properties totaling 600 acres.

The Quetico Foundation
Grant to help fund the Atikokan High School, “Summer Student Research Program” in the Quetico Provincial Park, Ontario.

Voyageurs National Park Association
Grant to help produce a series of maps of Voyageurs National Park to show topography, trails and campsites and habitat distribution.



Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota
Grant to survey white cedar stands in the Seagull/Saganaga Lakes areas to determine their physiographical features.

Listening Point Foundation
Grant to help replace the cabin roof at Listening Point on Burntside Lake.

The Nature Conservancy
Grant to help purchase approximately 7 miles of river frontage on the Canadian side
of the Pigeon River.

The Quetico Foundation
Grant to fund a Quetico Park study project for Indian youth at Lac la Croix and Atikokan high schools.

The Trust for Public Land
Grant to help purchase and transfer five private land parcels near the Fernberg-Snowbank crossroads to the U.S. Forest Service. These areas serve as a gateway approach to Boundary Waters Canoe Area.

Make a donation to support Quetico Superior Foundation grants