Locals Largely Favor Vermilion Park

A recent story in the Timberjay, HERE, found that local officials are largely positive about plans by the State of Minnesota to purchase 3,000 acres of land on Lake Vermilion from U.S. Steel Corporation for a new State Park.

Vermilion State Park (proposed)
Vermilion State Park (proposed) Photo courtesy MN DNR

In the story, the Timberjay’s Marshall Helmberger talked to local officials from Tower and Ely as well as to area legislators.

The officials hope a new park will increase recreational opportunities in the area and boost the local economy. Some voiced concern about increased boat traffic and greater fishing pressure on the lake, however.

The deal between the State and U.S. Steel still needs legislative approval, which local legislators quoted in the story say is likely but not automatic.

The Minnesota DNR has a web-page devoted to the proposed park HERE.

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