Stay up-to-date on proposed mining projects near the BWCAW and Superior National Forest, including the latest updates on Twin Metals and PolyMet, permitting status, court challenges, possible threats to the north woods environment, communities, air and water quality. See the map for locations and proximity to wilderness areas and watersheds.

State of the Boundary Waters and Paddling to DC – Wilderness News Fall Winter 2014 Issue
Cover Story: How will proposed mining, climate change, invasive species, nutrient loading, and algal blooms change the border lakes? The Quetico-Superior region of Minnesota and Canada bring to mind lake country—a landscape characterized by glacier carved lakes filled with clear, cold and clean water. Yet the list of possible impacts on northern Minnesota water quality is long: proposed mining, climate change, invasive species, nutrient loading, and algal blooms to name just a few…

Boundary Waters Advocates Seek Anti-Mining Signatures
Group hopes to deliver at least 50,000 signatures urging protection of the Boundary Waters and businesses that depend on it.

Protecting Our Wild Rice Heritage
Evaluating Minnesota’s water sulfate standard for wild rice. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is reviewing its standards for protecting wild rice in Minnesota. With funding from the Minnesota State Legislature, the agency conducted a two-year study to determine how sulfate—the presence of which in water has been linked to an absence of wild rice—and other chemicals affect the health of wild rice.

Parsing Public Opinion Of Polymet Mine Proposal
Comments on the copper-nickel mine’s environmental review and a new statewide poll are helping gauge where people stand.
Broad Mining Environmental Review Proposed for Superior National Forest
Northern Minnesota politicians strongly oppose potential study under consideration by Forest Service.
Wild Rice Study Sidelined at Last Minute
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency changes plan to announce recommendations for regulating discharges from mines and other facilities.
Poll Shows Support for PolyMet Amidst Many Undecided Minnesotans
Results of a Star Tribune poll include supporters outnumbering opponents two-to-one, and a lot of people who haven’t made up their minds.
Study of Mine Waste Impacts on Wild Rice Released
Research on how sulfates affect the official state grain of Minnesota will be used to determine if a key water quality standard should be changed.
Recent Developments in the PolyMet Environmental Review
The statewide conversation continues with high-stakes advocacy and calls for caution.
Polls Show Declining Public Support for New Mine Proposals
Survey conducted by Mining Truth coalition shows as residents learn details about mine proposals, opposition increases.
Release Date Set for Revised PolyMet Environmental Review
Starting late this fall, the public will have a chance to review and comment on the amended environmental review for the first proposed copper-nickel mine in northern Minnesota. The Minnesota Department …
New Version of PolyMet Environmental Review Released to Cooperating Agencies
A revised draft of the environmental review for the first-ever copper mining project proposed in Minnesota has been completed. PolyMet Mining Corp.’s new document has been distributed to the Minnesota Department of …
Anti-mining Activists to Open Office in Ely
New mine proposals in northeastern Minnesota have prompted a group of local citizens and businesses to plan an anti-mining “action center” on Ely’s Sheridan Street. The office will provide information to …
Spruce Road Copper Estimate Doubles
The world’s largest untapped copper deposit just got bigger. Twin Metals, Inc. now estimates its resource near Ely holds more than 8-billion pounds of copper.
State Mineral Exploration Leases Approved
The Minnesota Executive Committee agreed to permit exploration for minerals on state lands and privately held land where the state owns the minerals rights.
Forest Service Okays Mineral Exploration Plan
The U.S. Forest Service has approved a plan for mining companies to expand the exploration for minerals in the Superior National Forest near Ely.