
Mining Projects near the Boundary Waters

Twin Metals Mining Map BWCA

Stay up-to-date on proposed mining projects near the BWCAW and Superior National Forest, including the latest updates on Twin Metals and PolyMet, permitting status, court challenges, possible threats to the north woods environment, communities, air and water quality. See the map for locations and proximity to wilderness areas and watersheds.


Poll Shows Support for PolyMet Amidst Many Undecided Minnesotans

Results of a Star Tribune poll include supporters outnumbering opponents two-to-one, and a lot of people who haven’t made up their minds.

Study of Mine Waste Impacts on Wild Rice Released

Research on how sulfates affect the official state grain of Minnesota will be used to determine if a key water quality standard should be changed.

Recent Developments in the PolyMet Environmental Review

The statewide conversation continues with high-stakes advocacy and calls for caution.

Polls Show Declining Public Support for New Mine Proposals

Survey conducted by Mining Truth coalition shows as residents learn details about mine proposals, opposition increases.

Release Date Set for Revised PolyMet Environmental Review

Starting late this fall, the public will have a chance to review and comment on the amended environmental review for the first proposed copper-nickel mine in northern Minnesota. The Minnesota Department …


New Version of PolyMet Environmental Review Released to Cooperating Agencies

A revised draft of the environmental review for the first-ever copper mining project proposed in Minnesota has been completed. PolyMet Mining Corp.’s new document has been distributed to the Minnesota Department of …


Anti-mining Activists to Open Office in Ely

New mine proposals in northeastern Minnesota have prompted a group of local citizens and businesses to plan an anti-mining “action center” on Ely’s Sheridan Street. The office will provide information to …


Spruce Road Copper Estimate Doubles

The world’s largest untapped copper deposit just got bigger. Twin Metals, Inc. now estimates its resource near Ely holds more than 8-billion pounds of copper.

State Mineral Exploration Leases Approved

The Minnesota Executive Committee agreed to permit exploration for minerals on state lands and privately held land where the state owns the minerals rights.

Forest Service Okays Mineral Exploration Plan

The U.S. Forest Service has approved a plan for mining companies to expand the exploration for minerals in the Superior National Forest near Ely.

Court Upholds State’s Sulfate Rules

A Ramsey County Court judge upheld Minnesota’s restrictions on sulfate pollution in waters that host wild rice plants, denying a Minnesota Chamber of Commerce challenge that the rules were vague and arbitrarily applied.

Cravaack: PolyMet Review by October

Minnesota 8th District Representative Chip Cravaack expects the revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the PolyMet precious metal mine near Babbitt to be released by October.

Dog Teams Carry Mining Petitions

Environmental advocates concerned about mining in northeastern Minnesota are using dog teams to carry petitions to the state capitol in St. Paul.

Northshore Mining Fined $240,175

Northshore Mining was fined $240,175 by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency after its taconite processing plant in Silver Bay was cited for 30 air quality violations in 2010 and 2011.

Minnesota Seeks Sulfate Research

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is asking scientists to propose studies assessing the effects of sulfate pollution on the state’s wild rice.

Protestors Demonstrate Against Mine

Opposition to plans to mine copper, nickel, and precious metals in northeastern Minnesota took on an “Occupy Wall Street” tone when protesters demonstrated outside a Duluth Chamber of Commerce meeting yesterday.

State Prospecting Leases Postponed Again

For the third time this year, Minnesota’s Executive Council has delayed the sale of a set of northeastern Minnesota mineral exploration leases on properties where the state holds mineral rights but private individuals own surface land.

State Mineral Lease Sale Delayed Again

A council of top Minnesota government officials has again delayed the sale of a set of northeastern Minnesota mineral exploration leases on properties where the state holds the mineral rights but private individuals own the surface land.

Wild Rice Sulfate Rules Studied, Suspended

A $1.5-million study will decided whether Minnesota water quality standards for wild rice waters need to be amended, but current limits on sulfates in water where wild rice grows won’t be enforced in the meantime.

Glencore Buys More of PolyMet

Glencore International, the Swiss commodities and natural resources behemoth, furthered its stake in PolyMet Mining, buying an additional $13.1 million of the company’s stock. PolyMet plans a copper-nickel mine near Babbitt, Minnesota.