Precious Waters Debuts Wednesday

Precious Waters, a film producers hope will help sway public sentiment against sulfide mining in Northeastern Minnesota, debuts Wednesday.  The film will be shown at 7:00 p.m. at the John B. Davis Lecture Hall, Ruth Stricker Dayton Campus Center at Macalester College in St. Paul.

The premiere will include a panel discussion with several of the participants in the film, including:  State Representative Alice Hausman, who authored legislation in 2009 to strengthen sulfide mining safeguards; Scott Strand, a former Minnesota assistant attorney general who helped craft existing sulfide mining regulations; and John Whitehead, the film’s director.

Details on the 24-minute film and the premiere can be found HERE, along with the film’s trailer.  The film was produced by the Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness.

Minnesota Public Radio posted THIS story on the film last week.

Pro-mining opinion-makers are also trying to exert influence in these the opening weeks of the 90-day comment period on PolyMet Mining’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement.  The Masabi Daily News offered THIS editorial highlighting the positive impact the project would have on building economically sustainable communities on the Iron Range.

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