Three Companies Bid for Mineral Rights

Exploring for metals near Ely, MN. Image courtesy

The mining story continues to unfold in northern Minnesota, where three companies participated in the latest mineral rights auction.

According to an article in the LaCrosse Tribune, Duluth Metals LLC bid on nine parcels northwest of Silver Bay, Encampment Minerals Inc. bid on 21 parcels south of Hoyt Lakes, and MMG USA Exploration LLC bid on a parcel southeast of McGregor. A total of about 9,500 acres are involved. Duluth Metals is a subsidiary of Twin Metals, which is developing plans for a mine near Ely, MN.

In what’s becoming a familiar story, citizens have already petitioned the Department of Natural Resources, asking the agency to prepare an environmental assessment before awarding the leases. The agency has until early November to reply, but if the request is approved it could delay the process.

Read the full article HERE. Read more Wilderness News coverage of mining in Minnesota HERE.

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