About the Quetico Superior Foundation

Supporting the Protection of the Minnesota-Ontario border region and Superior National Forest including the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, Quetico Provincial Park, Voyageurs National Park, La Verendrye Provincial Park, Isle Royale National Park, and Lake Superior.

The Quetico Superior Foundation was established in 1946 to assure protection in perpetuity of the natural, wilderness character of Minnesota’s Border Lakes Canoe Country and Ontario’s Quetico Provincial Park. The Rainy Lake and Pigeon River watersheds, which served as the Voyageurs Highway, are central to this region. Lands include Voyageurs National Park, The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, Superior National Forest, The Lake Superior Highlands and Quetico Provincial Park. Quetico Superior Foundation supports the protection of the ecological, cultural, and historical resources of this wild and remarkably beautiful region.

Mission and Vision

The mission of the Quetico Superior Foundation is the protection of the wilderness character of Minnesota’s Border Lakes Canoe Country and Ontario’s Quetico Provincial Park. Our mission is defined by two distinct undertakings:

Quetico Superior Wilderness News

Quetico Superior Wilderness News reports on events that encompass a wide range of current news surrounding the Quetico Superior region. It is our vision that the news reported in our newsletter serves to educate, inform, and inspire those who are committed to the protection and preservation of this extraordinary region. Current and past issues are included in the News section of this web site.

Grants to Qualified Organizations

The Quetico Superior Foundation is engaged in awarding grants to qualified 501(c)3 tax exempt organizations. The grants represent a wide range of projects including land preservation, forest management studies, wilderness youth programs, community development and education, and historical preservation. Any group interested in applying for a grant should refer to the contact us tab on the home page.  It is our vision that our on going approval of these grants will directly and dramatically impact the quality of wilderness preservation of the region. A listing of recent grants is included on this web site.

> Help support grant-making activity, make a donation.

“…in preserving intact one of the most historical regions of North America… We shall earn the blessing of our children evermore” – Quetico Superior Committee, 1934

Our Board of Directors >

Letter from the President >