Federal government renews mineral leases near Boundary Waters wilderness
Trump administration overturns Obama decision and provides Twin Metals with access to publicly-owned minerals located near Ely.
Trump administration overturns Obama decision and provides Twin Metals with access to publicly-owned minerals located near Ely.
More than 150 miles of lakes and rivers along the Ontario-Minnesota border are included in Canada’s program for celebrating and protecting its most precious rivers.
Pair of Minnesota lawmakers propose following Montana’s lead in strengthening rules about the design and oversight of tailings dam, in response to recent catastrophes in other countries.
Superior National Forest officials recently concluded the lengthy development of a plan to manage significant swaths of public land near and in the Boundary Waters.
Mukooda Lake project will upgrade campsites, create a new hiking trail, develop a day use picnic area, and expand dock capacity for visitors.
Footage of a wolf den recorded by scientists studying the animals in northern Minnesota’s National Park is included in a special episode of PBS Nature.
Lawyers for environmental groups argued last week that Twin Metals’ mineral leases should never have been renewed, and that PolyMet’s land exchange was a bad deal for the public.
Hundreds of people gathered in St. Paul to call for protection of clean water, draw attention to water quality threats throughout the state, including the Boundary Waters region.
Star Tribune says Trump officials should justify how they decided to cancel an environmental review and reopen the opportunity for a mining proposal near the Boundary Waters to proceed.
Study will start in earnest this spring as scientists plan to put transmitters on chickadee chicks and watch where they go.
Bird counters at the Duluth site report record-breaking numbers of migrators passing through as they race north to their nesting grounds.
Arne Carlson and another retired official say new information has come to light that requires a review of how the mine proposal was permitted.
Public land projects offer opportunities to help with trail-building, portage maintenance, and much more across northeastern Minnesota.
Designated the entire chain of islands recognizes thousands of years of indigenous connections and creates opportunity to tell new stories.
University of Minnesota-Duluth project seeks to understand the role of snow and melting in how water moves through the landscape, with climate and population change factored in.
Replacing the previous video that was required viewing for permit-holders, a new series of three short videos is updated in strategy, style, and content.
Duluth event will feature presentations from scientists studying a broad range of topics in northern Minnesota and Ontario.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced plans yesterday to remove gray wolves from Endangered Species Act protections and move management responsibility to states
After crashing on its first day at the end of January, the system that lets people plan wilderness trips re-launched successfully, though a key Congressman is seeking to force the Forest Service to bring back the lottery for motorized trips.
Mining opponents say PolyMet proposes a dam to hold its tailings that has direct connections to a deadly disaster this January at the Córrego do Feijão iron ore mine in southeastern Brazil.