Meet Jake Ritchie

board member Jake Ritchie

Quetico Superior Foundation Board member since 2011

Please tell us what your involvement with the Quetico Superior Foundation means to you.

It is a privilege to work with a passionate group of individuals who care so much about preserving the Quetico-Superior Region. It is an extremely rewarding feeling to be involved in helping that process, and I take great pride in knowing that I am doing my part to help protect this area for generations to come.

What other ways have you been active in the Quetico-Superior Region?

I spend time with family each summer on the North Shore of Lake Superior. I have been lucky enough to grow up with a cabin on the lake so I was exposed to the beauty of the region at a very early age. Whenever possible, I paddle with fellow board member John Case in the Quetico Provincial Park in search of walleye. If you read his profile from the Summer 2013 edition of the Wilderness News, I am one of the many teenagers he introduced to QPP and I am hooked!

What is the most pressing issue you see in the region today?

I think educating the public on the region itself is the most pressing issue. I think many people do not know the extent of what it has to offer. There are National forests and hiking trails, camp grounds, youth camps, resorts, and outfitters that are available throughout the region to help anyone enjoy the area.

There are also many threats to the region like the Sulfide Mining activity in northern Minnesota. Issues like this need to be communicated to the public so they are informed on how such activity can affect the area for decades to come.

What’s one of your favorite memories from the Quetico-Superior Region?

I find every trip to the region memorable – from the people in your party, to the weather you experience, the time of year, or the area that you travel. My favorite memories are simply spending quality time with friends and family away from the distractions of daily life, and I find no better place to do that than in the wilderness. I also met my wife on a canoe trip to Quetico Provincial Park so you never know what you may find in the great outdoors!! My wife and I look forward to sharing experiences with our son in the years ahead as well.

What’s your favorite spot or way to see the Quetico-Superior Region?

I think my favorite way to see the region is in a canoe. Paddling along the water gives you a unique perspective on the scenery and wildlife. I am biased towards Quetico Provincial Park, but anywhere you can get out and experience nature is a good place to be.


Read more in the Spring 2014 issue of Wilderness News

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