Special Mining Update: Should We Dig Near the BWCAW?

The Spring 2013 Issue of Wilderness News is in the mail and online. Check out a few highlights below.

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What’s Inside:


Cover Story:

Mining Update

By Greg Seitz

Acid mine drainage running off the INCO bulk sample site, which was excavated in 1974.

The Twin Metals copper mine proposal has been described by supporters as an “underground city,” a “juggernaut,” a “monster deposit,” and possibly the “largest mine in Minnesota history.” Opponents talk about the short-term proposed gains versus the long-term environmental damage of the mine; mining’s history of “boom, then bust” in Minnesota; and ask what, if any, price should be put on preserving our state’s largest and most beloved natural area, the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.

Polymet Mining Corp Update

Northern Tier High Adventure Program – Steeped in 90 years of canoeing tradition

By Alissa Johnson
During the summer of 2012, the Northern Tier High Adventure Program helped 755 crews, most of them Boy Scouts, explore the wilderness of northern Minnesota and Canada. That’s 6,012 people starting and ending canoe trips at one of three base camps, and connecting with the boreal forests of the north country through classic wilderness adventure. “It’s incredible to see a group of six boys come back to the base dirty, covered head to toe in mosquito bites and smiling and talking about all the amazing things they learned,” says Northern Tier’s Director of Program Leslie Thibodeaux. “They’re whole different people.” READ MORE >

Northern Tier: More Than Just a Canoeing Trip

By Greg Stringfellow

Every summer since I turned 14 my Dad and I have gone on a High Adventure trip. These trips have taken us across the United States and Europe, and thanks to my trip to Northern Tier in 2012, I added Canada to that list…. READ MORE >

Quetico Superior Foundation Board Member Profile: Meghan Cosgrove

Board member since May 2012

The Listening Corner:

Meet Shelby Gonzales, Iron Range writer and marketing professional
Shelby Gonzalez grew up in South Minneapolis, a self-described “indoorsy type”. Her mom bribed her to play outside: two hours outdoors and she could have her book back. Everything changed in high school, when Shelby heard about YMCA Camp Menogyn from a classmate…READ MORE >



by Larry Christianson


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