Wilderness News Fall 2003

wnewsfall2003 The Fall issue of Wilderness News is in the mail and online. Download a PDF here.







basswoodfishinglodgepf081422Special Feature Part I: The Historic Lodges of the Boundary Waters

If you’ve paddled Basswood Lake to Crooked Lake, you’ve traveled an ancient route— favored by indigenous tribes and the Voyageurs, through a wild and peaceful chain of lakes, leading you to the spectacular Curtain Falls. Just barely visible over the falls are the remains of a rough stone foundation, dock footings, and stone steps to a portage. MORE >


seligafeatimg Joe Seliga

His canoes are used as part of a wilderness experience teaching respect and integrity to young adults. Joe Seliga grew up in the pristine Quetico Superior wilderness in the small mining town of Ely, Minnesota. Ely was 25 miles from the nearest road in 1911 when Joe was born. MORE >


Betts Wyman Photo courtesy Jim Wyman

The Foundation Mourns the Loss of Board Members

Ted Hall – a force for local activism and wilderness preservation

Elizabeth Wyman embodied her family’s dedication to wilderness protection


kekburnsmall Fall Prescribed Burns Produce Positive Results

The US Forest Service, partnering with the Ontario Fire Service, carried out two successful prescribed burns within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) on October 10th and 11th. The Arc Lake and Honker Lake Area burns were conducted… MORE >

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