Wilderness News Fall 2006

wnewsfall2006 The Fall 2006 issue of Wilderness News is online and in the mail. Download a PDF here >









Photo courtesy of Airphoto – Jim Wark. Digital simulation—unmanned US Customs and Border Protection surveillance aircraft patrolling the Quetico-Superior border.

Securing the Wilderness Border

The Boundary Waters. The Border Route. Those dividing “B” words have long been embedded in the names used to describe the Quetico-Superior region. The notion, however, that a modern-day international divide cuts through the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and Quetico Provincial Park usually fades into the remoteness of the place. The region’s ruggedness, isolation, and wildness make the area seem more like a single thing shared by two countries, than something sharply divided… MORE >

queticomoonrise Quetico Provincial Park—Management Plan Under Review

While the plants and animals of Quetico Provincial Park settle in for the winter, the Canadian government at all levels is examining the park’s management strategies and preparing for the years to come. At the Assembly level of government (which is akin to Congress in the United States), new legislation, the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, has been passed that not only affects Quetico, but all of Ontario’s parks. MORE >


Fletcher “Fancy” 14’ Wood-Canvas Canoe

Building History

As iconic as the tall pines or the swaths of exposed granite in Quetico-Superior is the image of a canoe cutting a delicate wake across smooth water. The canoe fits in the landscape, an organic product of the Native American’s efforts to take advantage of the area’s unique aquatic ecosystem. Today, the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and Quetico Provincial Park exist in large part because of this vessel. Canoeists campaigned loudly to create the parks, and the fleets that flock to them each summer demonstrate that they are important pieces of natural, and national, heritage. MORE >


fromawoodencanoebook Book Review: From a Wooden Canoe

Reflections on Canoeing, Camping,and Classic Equipment
by Jerry Dennis



White Otter Castle - Photo by Laura Puckett

White Otter Castle

Paddling through the Crown lands of western Ontario the last thing a traveler expects to see isa castle, but there it sits on the shores of White Otter Lake, sixty-four kilometers north of Atikokan. White Otter Castle’s four-story tower rises amid the trees, adjoining a three-story main section and a two-story kitchen in back. The bright red roof and cavernous, sun-filled rooms are spectacular, but out of place, demanding the question: Why?  MORE >

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