Burning Used to Reduce Fire Danger

Superior National Forest officials are using intentional burns to reduce the danger posed by a small, lightening ignited fire near Lake One and Lake Two in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness east of Ely, Minnesota.

The Duluth News Tribune has the full story HERE.

Since Monday, fire crews have intentionally set fires to burn forest fuels that the Pagami Creek Fire could use to expand into populated area. The original fire, which was ignited on August 18, burned 130 acres north of Clearwater Lake and southwest of Lake One in the Boundary Waters.

The total burned area now encompasses 720 acres, according to the fire’s incident report, HERE.  Intentional burning is expected to end today, although the fire could take an extended period of time to fully burn itself out.

Far northern Minnesota is officially in the midst of a drought. However, no burning restriction are in place in the region and no campsites or access points into the BWCAW are closed.

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