High Water Wreaks Havoc on Rainy Lake
Heavy rainfall has raised lake levels by at least five inches, inundating homes, National Park facilities, and the beloved islands of Ernest Oberholtzer.
Heavy rainfall has raised lake levels by at least five inches, inundating homes, National Park facilities, and the beloved islands of Ernest Oberholtzer.
Wilderness Canoe Base on Seagull Lake is a formative canoe camp program with a long, storied, and challenging history.
Research attributes reductions of the toxic metal in water and fish samples to restrictions on emissions.
Rep. Nolan introduces bill to resolve long-standing issue, take advantage of existing hiking trails in northeastern Minnesota
Discovery of invasive species means Superior National Forest lake 10 miles from the wilderness will be designated as infested.
Fewer moose have died this spring compared to last year, thanks to the frigid and snowy winter.
Northern Minnesota politicians strongly oppose potential study under consideration by Forest Service.
The Heart of the Continent Partnership is collaborating on a new website and mobile app project to promote geotourism.
Trevor Gibbs has taken over leadership at the park, saying he understands “Quetico is a special place.”
National Park Service will undertake a broad planning process but no new wolves will be brought to the island to supplement a declining population at this time.
Campsites will no longer be first-come, first-serve after a phased roll-out is completed next year.
The company has shared new information about access, water sources, and waste disposal for its proposed copper-nickel mine near the Boundary Waters.
In a newspaper column, Terry Larkin asks how much risk is okay when considering the mine proposal.
Richard Periman, who has been named as Deputy Director of the Superior National Forest, has lengthy qualifications in understanding the relationship between humans and the environment. That includes a PhD in …
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency changes plan to announce recommendations for regulating discharges from mines and other facilities.
Results of a Star Tribune poll include supporters outnumbering opponents two-to-one, and a lot of people who haven’t made up their minds.
Aerial surveys indicate population relatively stable despite 2012 drop, and researchers are seeking to track 52 more animals.
A legislative committee heard testimony on Tuesday about how much it will cost to prevent pollution, and who will pay for it.
You may now reserve BWCAW permits for the 2014 summer season on a first come first served basis. Permits are required for all day and overnight visitors to the Boundary Waters …
Barney Lakner was arrested recently after fleeing conservation officers during a high-speed snowmobile chase on Basswood Lake.