Historic hotel and recreation area in Voyageurs National Park focus of new site plan
National Park Service invites input on preliminary plans for changes to lodging, day-use recreation, and other improvements to the popular part of the park.
National Park Service invites input on preliminary plans for changes to lodging, day-use recreation, and other improvements to the popular part of the park.
Quetico and Boundary Waters crews come together on the border of the U.S. and Canada to reduce hazards on portage and facilitate wilderness visitors.
Federal officials are examining whether the supply of services meets the public needs, and how to manage contentious issues like crowding and motorized use.
Wilderness rangers recently traveled through Quetico and Boundary Waters to take measurements of the night skies are, as regional efforts get underway to recognize and preserve its darkness.
Eighth District representative proposes legislation to revert to previous system for entry point permits, saying changes have hurt local businesses, affected tourism.
The program to capture, transport, and release wolves on the Lake Superior island — providing fresh DNA and predators for moose — has so far succeeded.
Forest Service officials say significant swaths of public land have been burned this spring to accomplish a variety of management goals.
Research in Canadian canoe country wilderness seeks to understand species that call it home and may be threatened by deadly fungus.
More than 150 miles of lakes and rivers along the Ontario-Minnesota border are included in Canada’s program for celebrating and protecting its most precious rivers.
Superior National Forest officials recently concluded the lengthy development of a plan to manage significant swaths of public land near and in the Boundary Waters.
Mukooda Lake project will upgrade campsites, create a new hiking trail, develop a day use picnic area, and expand dock capacity for visitors.
Public land projects offer opportunities to help with trail-building, portage maintenance, and much more across northeastern Minnesota.
Designated the entire chain of islands recognizes thousands of years of indigenous connections and creates opportunity to tell new stories.
Replacing the previous video that was required viewing for permit-holders, a new series of three short videos is updated in strategy, style, and content.
Advanced tracking collars will give scientists an intimate look at the animals’ lives on the wild Lake Superior island.
Effort to adjust original route to include state’s premier trails along Lake Superior and through the Boundary Waters takes biggest step in 10 years as Senate includes it in omnibus legislation.
A second attempt to open up wilderness permit reservations will take place in late February, while Boundary Waters businesses say they were never consulted while the system was in development.
How do you catch a semi-aquatic rodent that spends very little time on land? Turns out, with patience and a lot of waiting. Researchers use GPS-collars to reveal a predator-prey relationship…
Federal government funding lapse means no services at the park near International Falls, but nonprofit partners are providing financial support to provide limited staffing.
Anyone with knowledge of a small lake in Quetico is invited to offer input on proposal to rename it after Miron “Bud” Heinselman, who advanced scientific knowledge of the boreal forest and pushed for its protection.