DNR Extends Comment Period for Forest Resources Management Plan

dnr1It’s not too late to review and submit comments on the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) North 4 Subsections Forest Resources Management Plan. A press release from the DNR today announced the extension of the public comment period for an additional 30-day period.

The 10-year management plan is intended to improve overall forest health and productivity in four ecological subsections in northern Minnesota, including St. Louis Moraines, Tamarack Lowlands, Nashwauk Uplands and Littlefork-Vermillion Uplands. Several treatment options are  being proposed within these county-sized sites, including re-inventory of forest stands and commercial thinning.

Maps of the subsections and copies of the draft plan are available on the Minnesota DNR web site, HERE. Hard copies can be viewed in person at the DNR Region 2 Headquarters, 1201 E. Highway 2, Grand Rapids, and at DNR Central Office Library, 500 Lafayette Road N., St. Paul.

The public has until September 24 to review and provide comments, which can be directed to:

Lynn Sue Mizner
DNR Forestry
1200 Minnesota Ave. S.
Aitkin, MN 56431

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