Gary Fiedler is setting off on the summer solstice to spend a year mostly alone in Ontario’s Quetico Park. The professional nature photographer from Duluth, Minn. will camp and travel in all seasons for a full 365 days. Quetico is located on the Canadian side of the border from the Boundary Waters in Minnesota.
“Over the past 30 years, I have come to know and love Quetico’s incredible scenic beauty and broad ecological diversity, and enjoy the sense of achievement after a great trip,” Fiedler wrote in an article on the Ontario Parks website. “As each adventure unfolds, I learn something new about myself and the wilderness.”
Fiedler previously garnered headlines for a 221-day trip to the Boundary Waters in 2014. That same year, a photograph of the Boundary Waters by his wife and business partner, Dawn LaPointe, was selected by the Smithsonian for its nationwide Wilderness Forever exhibition to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act.
‘Quiet solitude’
The twelve-month trip is meant to provide respite and inspiration.
“It is not intended to be a trip of conquest with impressive distances traveled, obstacles overcome, or exploration at the ends of the earth,” Fiedler writes. “Instead, my goal is to experience the transformative power of the wilderness, find clarity in thought, and contemplate my connection with nature in quiet solitude.”
He plans to document his experiences through photography, audio recordings, videography, and journals. After the trip, he will share the material through articles, exhibits, a book, and a possible film documentary.
After his seven-month trip in 2014, Fiedler wrote a series of three articles published in the Boundary Waters Journal about the experience. He said there is always room for more photographs, videos, words, and thoughts about the wilderness.
“Many writers, poets, painters, philosophers, and photographers are inspired by wild places. We try to capture the essence of the wilderness, romanticize it, express its beauty, and interpret what it means to us as a way to inspire others. This job is never done. Interpretations are as varied as individuals,” Fiedler wrote.
Occasional updates on the trip will be posted on Radiant Spirit Gallery’s Facebook page and the Inspired by Wilderness page. Fiedler is accepting donations to offset his lost income and expenses at http://paypal.me/GaryFiedler.