Ely Threatened by Wildfire

A wildfire apparently caused by a downed power-line threatened Ely, Minnesota on Thursday, prompting the voluntary evacuation of more than 200 residents.

The Duluth News Tribune has a story on the fire HERE; Minnesota Pubic Radio has coverage, including a slide-show, HERE.

A map of the fire perimeter can be found HERE.

Several small fires quickly grew into a more than 200-acre blaze that touched off spot fires ahead of itself powered by strong winds.  Forest service officials say that the help of water-dropping aircraft was essential in containing the fire late Thursday.

The fire touched off around 1:45 p.m. when a vehicle drove over a downed power-line on Highway 1. The fires threatened the southeastern side of Ely.

The latest updates on the status of the fire can be found HERE, on the Minnesota Incident Command System web site.


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