Feedback Needed on Fish Management Plans in Grand Marais Area

BWCAW Lake Trout (Photo by briandjan607 via Flickr)
BWCAW Lake Trout (Photo by briandjan607 via Flickr)

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is accepting public comments on its management plans for lakes and streams in the Grand Marais area. Several of the lakes are located inside the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.

Management plans cover stocking, surveys, special regulations, and other activities for five to 20 years.

“Feedback from those most interested in these waters is crucial when it comes to making those plans and determining management success, and we’d like to get as much input as possible,” said Steve Persons, Grand Marais area fisheries supervisor.

Some of the management plans being reviewed this winter include BWCAW lake trout lakes Cash, Gabimichigami, Maraboeuf, State, Town and Little Trout lakes. Sea Gull Lake is also due to be reviewed based on a new walleye management plan.

Walleye stocking on Gunflint, Devil Track, Flour, Holly, Hungry Jack, Iron, Little Iron, Poplar and Round lakes will also be reviewed, with the possibility of halting stocking efforts which have been ineffective.

Stream trout stocking in BWCAW lakes Sock and Topper lakes is also being reviewed, with options including changes in species, stocking frequency, number stocked and size of fish stocked.

Read more in the DNR’s announcement about the lakes and management plans.

Plans for lakes and streams are available for review at the DNR’s Grand Marais area fisheries office, at 1356 E. Highway 61, Grand Marais, Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. For more information, call or email Steve Persons at 218-387-6022 or

Public comments on management of BWCAW waters are due by Dec. 15. Comments for lakes and streams outside the BWCAW are due by Feb. 15, 2017.

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