
Mining Projects near the Boundary Waters

Twin Metals Mining Map BWCA

Stay up-to-date on proposed mining projects near the BWCAW and Superior National Forest, including the latest updates on Twin Metals and PolyMet, permitting status, court challenges, possible threats to the north woods environment, communities, air and water quality. See the map for locations and proximity to wilderness areas and watersheds.


Scientific research released on connections between mining pollution and wild rice

State-sponsored studies sought to improve understanding of the complex ways sulfate harms the iconic plant.

Report: Robots are replacing miners around the world — could automation affect Minnesota jobs?

Automation is revolutionizing the mining industry, quickly reducing employment and the potential economic impact of proposals in northern Minnesota.

Ely’s mining debate featured in the New York Times Magazine

Writer profiles the long-lasting conflict between wilderness proponents and mine workers.

Minnesota proposes new standard to protect wild rice from mining pollution

After years of debate, scientists recommend a complex equation to calculate how much sulfate is safe to discharge into waters where wild rice grows.

Minnesota lawmakers attempt to stop Superior National Forest mining study

The bipartisan effort was met by bipartisan opposition as Congress wrestled with proposal to withdraw lands in the wilderness watershed from mineral exploration.

Mondale calls for protection of Boundary Waters from mining

Lifelong statesman and environmentalist argues canoe country is too precious to risk polluting with mine runoff.

Three more days to comment on proposal to block mining near the Boundary Waters

Communications error results in extension of deadline to weigh in on withdrawing public lands from mining next to the wilderness.

Twin Metals Owner Revealed as Ivanka Trump’s Washington, D.C. Landlord

Chilean billionaire suing to advance a proposed mine next to the Boundary Waters also owns the first daughter’s house.

Business coalition calls for Boundary Waters protection

Two hundred business large and small have signed on to a new campaign to protect canoe country and its economic benefits.

Minnesota GOP Official Asks President to Reverse Twin Metals Decision

Rep. Kurt Daudt sent a letter to President Trump asking him to overturn Obama actions on mining near the Boundary Waters.

Minnesota Governor Says Twin Metals Mine Rejection Could Be Reversed

Next president could overturn a recent ruling against the proposed mine on the Superior National Forest.

Federal Government Cancels Twin Metals Mineral Leases

Decision may be fatal for copper-nickel mine proposal upstream of the Boundary Waters and mark the beginning of long-term protection of the wilderness watershed.

Doctors Speak Up About Health Risks of Northern Minnesota Mine Proposals

A group of physicians from Duluth and across northeastern Minnesota have written an article about the potential human health impacts of sulfide-ore mining in the state. Article explains how Twin Metals and PolyMet could expose people to contaminants, and how doctors could help.

Freemans Finish Year in the Boundary Waters, Travel to Washington, D.C.

Wilderness adventurers and advocates leave the wilderness for the first time in 366 days and quickly catch a plane to the capital.

Company Proposing Mine Near Boundary Waters Sues Government To Ensure Mineral Rights

Lawsuit claims 50-year-old leases must be renewed automatically, despite government’s opinion that it has the right to reject them.

‘Today’ Show Reports on Freemans’ Year in the Wilderness

NBC reporter travels to the Boundary Waters to interview married adventurers with two months left in their twelve-month trip.

Retired Regulator Says Water Studies Show Fragile Lakes Downstream of Twin Metals Proposal

Former MPCA official writes that White Iron Chain of Lakes have few natural defenses against mine pollution.

Public input needed on decision about mining next to the Boundary Waters

Comment period opens up for major decision about the future of Twin Metals – or its end.
Oyster Lake, BWCAW

Patagonia Executive Explains Opposition to Mines Near the Boundary Waters

Adam Fetcher’s experiences in canoe country when he was younger connect to his work today at the environmentally-active outdoor company.
Twin Metals headquarters in Ely.

More Major Moves for Northern Minnesota Mine Proposals

Significant developments have come in a flurry recently, from federal problems for Twin Metals to news that most Minnesotans oppose mining near the Boundary Waters.