
Mining Projects near the Boundary Waters

Twin Metals Mining Map BWCA

Stay up-to-date on proposed mining projects near the BWCAW and Superior National Forest, including the latest updates on Twin Metals and PolyMet, permitting status, court challenges, possible threats to the north woods environment, communities, air and water quality. See the map for locations and proximity to wilderness areas and watersheds.


Trump administration re-opens Boundary Waters watershed to mining

Federal government decides to let mining companies acquire leases to explore and extract minerals…

Report: Boundary Waters has greater long-term economic potential than mining

Harvard economist issue report comparing twenty years of wilderness protection to permitting the Twin Metals mine over the same span.

Filmmakers seek support to produce documentary about northern Minnesota mining conflict

‘7 Generations’ seeks to celebrate the Arrowhead’s natural wonders and call attention to the potential for water pollution from proposed copper mines.

Effort to halt Superior National Forest mining study fails in Congress

Minnesota congressmen’s attempt to stop a federal review of mining in the Boundary Waters watershed ends after grassroots advocacy.

The State of the Boundary Waters Report

How healthy is the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness really? Will the Boundary Waters survive climate change, mining, invasive species and the myriad of issues faced today? The Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness released an extensive and revealing report…  

Three lawsuits filed to defend rejection of mineral leases near the Boundary Waters

Boundary Waters businesses, environmental groups challenge the Trump administration’s effort to restore leases to Twin Metals which are critical for its mine proposal.

Businesses, sporting groups, and environmentalists call on federal officials to block mining near Boundary Waters

Letters to leaders of two government agencies seek completion of study of mining in the wilderness watershed before proposals move forward.

Twin Metals proposes mine processing plant on Birch Lake

A facility near the Boundary Waters and upstream of the popular White Iron Chain of Lakes could process 20,000 tons of ore each day.

Berm washes out in Biwabik, spilling iron mine waste downstream

An embankment next to a historic iron mine pit was breached during spring melt, damaging infrastructure and contaminating local waters.
Twin Metals headquarters in Ely.

Federal government restores mineral leases in Boundary Waters watershed

Twin Metals is getting mineral leases back that it lost in 2016, as the Trump administration continues to reverse Obama-era decisions.

Officials withdraw change to wild rice protections, will restart work on sulfate standard

After being ruled too vague to protect rice or provide certainty to industries, state scientists will try to come up with a clearer way to implement research findings.

Freemans embark on bike ride to Washington, D.C. — with a canoe in tow

Married adventurers and advocates for mining protection are on their way to the capital to raise awareness of the Boundary Waters and its threats.

Threat of mining pollution puts Boundary Waters on annual list of threatened rivers

American Rivers has named the wilderness waters to its list for a second time in five years as critical decisions loom.

PolyMet says mine proposal has become less profitable

Rising costs and falling metal prices shed doubts on economic viability of the mine proposal.

From mercury to manoomin, sulfate causes ecological ripples in Minnesota waters

Common chemical in industrial discharges has far-reaching effects on lakes, rivers, and the plants that live in them.

Poll finds growing statewide opposition to copper-nickel mining near Boundary Waters

Seventy percent of registered voters oppose mine proposals that threaten to pollute canoe country.

Government to conduct abbreviated review of mining in wilderness watershed

Forest Service scales back analysis of proposed mining moratorium over objections of Boundary Waters advocates.

Writer: Ely area’s copper deposits have been controversial for decades

Newspaper reporter remembers formative years in Ely, learning about the conflict over copper-nickel mining near the Boundary Waters.
Sulfide Mining Activity in Northeastern Minnesota.

Twin Metals legislation passes House, Senate support seems elusive

A bill restoring mineral rights near the Boundary Waters squeaked through the House of Representatives last week, but doesn’t yet have a Senate author.

Legislation making mining easier in northern Minnesota moves forward in Congress

Two bills seeking to speed up the Twin Metals and PolyMet mine proposals are being voted on this week in Washington, D.C.