Stay up-to-date on proposed mining projects near the BWCAW and Superior National Forest, including the latest updates on Twin Metals and PolyMet, permitting status, court challenges, possible threats to the north woods environment, communities, air and water quality. See the map for locations and proximity to wilderness areas and watersheds.

Legislation initiates discussion of stricter laws for storing mine waste
Pair of Minnesota lawmakers propose following Montana’s lead in strengthening rules about the design and oversight of tailings dam, in response to recent catastrophes in other countries.

Young people invited to apply for Washington, D.C. trip to lobby for Boundary Waters protection
Youth organization that works to protect the Boundary Waters from copper-nickel mining pollution is organizing another event to provide high school and college students the chance to tell policymakers their stories and ask for stewardship.

Environmental groups sue to stop PolyMet, strengthen Minnesota mining regulations
Eight organizations file lawsuits to challenge permits for the state’s first copper mine and revise rules.

Members of Congress request details on reopening Boundary Waters watershed to mining
Two key Democrats have sent a letter to administration officials seeking evidence to back up the September decision.

Former Forest Service leader calls for continued protection of Boundary Waters
Retired leader of agency who took steps to prevent mining pollution from harming the wilderness says continued protection is important.

Report: Boundary Waters has greater long-term economic potential than mining
Harvard economist issue report comparing twenty years of wilderness protection to permitting the Twin Metals mine over the same span.

Filmmakers seek support to produce documentary about northern Minnesota mining conflict
‘7 Generations’ seeks to celebrate the Arrowhead’s natural wonders and call attention to the potential for water pollution from proposed copper mines.

Effort to halt Superior National Forest mining study fails in Congress
Minnesota congressmen’s attempt to stop a federal review of mining in the Boundary Waters watershed ends after grassroots advocacy.

The State of the Boundary Waters Report
How healthy is the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness really? Will the Boundary Waters survive climate change, mining, invasive species and the myriad of issues faced today? The Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness released an extensive and revealing report…

Berm washes out in Biwabik, spilling iron mine waste downstream
An embankment next to a historic iron mine pit was breached during spring melt, damaging infrastructure and contaminating local waters.