Minnesota DNR Announces Fishing Closures

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, in cooperation with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, has announced the locations along the U.S./Canada border in Northeastern Minnesota that will be closed to fishing in the early spring.

The closures are in force to protect against the over-fishing of concentrations of spawning walleyes.

Closures will take effect April 1 at:

— Sea Gull River from Sea Gull Lake through Gull Lake to Saganaga Lake approximately 1/3 mile north of the narrows, closed through May 28.

— Saganaga Falls on the Minnesota – Ontario border where the Granite River enters Saganaga Lake, closed through May 31.

— Maligne River (also known as Northern Light Rapids) on the Ontario side of Saganaga Lake, closed through May 31.

— The channel between Little Gunflint and Little North lakes on the Minnesota – Ontario border, closed through May 31.

— Cross River (inlet to Gunflint Lake) from the Gunflint Trail to Gunflint Lake, closed through May 28.

Due to an anticipated early spring ice-out this year and a corresponding early completion of walleye spawning, the following areas, which are normally closed to fishing for one or two weeks at the beginning of the fishing season, will not be closed this year:

— Tait River from White Pine Lake to the Forest Road 339 crossing.

— Junco Creek from the first log dam above County Road 57 downstream to Devil Track Lake, and including a portion of Devil Track Lake near the river mouth.

Closures apply only to fishing; travel is permitted through closed areas.  All closed areas will be posted.

The DNR’s full media release on the closures is HERE.

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