Nature Rocks: Getting Kids Outside


In the spring issue of Wilderness News, contributor Alissa Johnson reviewed the national sensation Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from National Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv (read the review HERE). So we were intrigued to see that the Children & Nature Network, co-founded by Richard Louv, has helped launch a new campaign to get families back outside: Nature Rocks.

Nature Rocks aims to inspire parents to get kids outside by demonstrating how easy and affordable it can be, and providing the tools to do it. Parents can take advantage of the free 2009 Summer Nature Staycation Planning Guide, access over a hundred activity suggestions on the program web site and look up activities and destinations in their neck of the woods using an interactive database—including, of course, places in our favorite neck of the woods: the Quetico Superior region.

The Nature Conservancy, REI and ecoAmerica are joining Richard Louve and the Children & Nature Network in launching the campaign. For more information, visit the Nature Rocks web site.

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