The State of the Boundary Waters Report

How healthy is the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness really? Will the Boundary Waters survive climate change, mining, invasive species and the myriad of issues faced today? The Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness released an extensive and revealing report…  

Q&A with the Forest Service

Results of the prescribed burn that took place on Three Mile Island last September. With the completion last September of the Magnetic Lake and Three Mile Island prescribed burns, the Forest …


Prescribed Burns Begin in and Near BWCA

A total of 1,000 acres underwent prescribed burns this fall, 360 of which were within the BWCA. Plans called for burning more than 4,000 BWCA acres this year, and all areas not completed are now on hold until 2002. These include top-priority sections totaling 5,200 acres in the Magnetic Lake and Kekekabic Lake areas, as well as 300 acres near Dogleg Lake.