DNR Seeks Input on Ely Area Lakes

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is seeking public input on the management plans for 19 lakes and two streams near Ely.

DNR to Host Ely Fisheries Open House

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is hosting an open house on Monday, January 9, to hear from stakeholders about fisheries in the Ely area.

DNR Seeks Grand Marais Fisheries Comments

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources wants the public to ask questions or submit comments on its fisheries management plans for a number of Grand Marais area lakes and streams.

DNR Taking Comments on Lutsen Water Use

The Minnesota DNR is seeking public comments on a controversial proposal to temporarily permit the Lutsen Mountains ski resort to continue to draw water from the Poplar River despite low flow in the river.

DNR Let Lutsen Violations Slide

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources admits it repeatedly let the Lutsen Mountain ski resort draw more water from the state-protected Poplar River for snow-making than its 1964 permit allowed.

Late Spring Prompts Fishing Closures

Due to anticipated late ice-out on several lakes and rivers along the Minnesota-Ontario border, some waters will be closed to fishing at the start of this year’s season to protect concentrations of spawning walleye from potential over-harvest, the Minnesota DNR has announced.

DNR Seeks Comments on BWCAW Lakes

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is seeking comments on its management plans for a number of lakes and streams in the Finland area, including six lakes in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.

Minnesota DNR Announces Fishing Closures

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, in cooperation with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, has announced the locations along the U.S./Canada border in Northeastern Minnesota that will be closed to fishing in the early spring.

No Impacts Yet from Spiny Water Flea

Invasive spiny water fleas have been present in northern Minnesota waters since 2006, but scientists have yet to see negative impacts from the plankton of European origin.

Sturgeon the Subject of Voyageurs Talk

Lake sturgeon, a fish species that has lived in its present form for some 100 million years, will be the topic of tomorrow evening’s program at Voyageurs National Park.