Friends Offers Advocacy Fellowship

The advocacy group Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness is offering a new fellowship named after the late canoe outfitter and wilderness advocate Bill Rom.

Bill Plans Concurrent Wolf, Deer Seasons

A bill to be introduced in the Minnesota House would open Minnesota’s first wolf hunting season at the same time as the state’s firearms deer hunting season.

Moose Population Continues Decline

The number of moose dwelling in Minnesota continues to decline according to the latest Minnesota Department of Natural Resources survey numbers, putting this fall’s moose hunt into question.

Northshore Mining Fined $240,175

Northshore Mining was fined $240,175 by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency after its taconite processing plant in Silver Bay was cited for 30 air quality violations in 2010 and 2011.

Quetico Superintendent Leaving Park

Robin Reilly, the superintendent at Quetico Provincial Park since 2001, is leaving his position to become the superintendent of Sandbanks Provincial Park on Lake Ontario.

Oberholtzer Foundation Wins Grant

The Ernest Oberholtzer Foundation recently received an Historical and Cultural Heritage Grant from the Minnesota Historical Society for restoration work at the late wilderness advocate’s Mallard Island residence.

Exemption Could Avoid Clear Air Retro-Fit

A proposed exemption in the Clean Air Act could allow Minnesota’s largest coal-fired power plant to avoid a costly retro-fit to reduce the haze over the Boundary Waters and Voyageurs National Park.

Snow Allows Moose Survey to Begin

Recent snowfall in the Quetico Superior region is finally allowing Minnesota Department of Natural Resources researchers to survey the moose population in northeastern Minnesota.

DNR to Host Ely Fisheries Open House

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is hosting an open house on Monday, January 9, to hear from stakeholders about fisheries in the Ely area.

DNR Seeks Comments on Split Rock

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is accepting public comments on plans to expand the Split Rock Lighthouse State Park Campground.

Without Snow, Fire Danger Persists

Winter can still be a season for wildfires the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is reminding people after 750 acres burned in northwestern Minnesota.

Federal Wolf Protection to be Lifted

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced this week that wolves in Minnesota and the western Great Lakes states will be removed from the endangered species list early next year.

Minnesota Seeks Sulfate Research

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is asking scientists to propose studies assessing the effects of sulfate pollution on the state’s wild rice.

Cravaack to Introduce Land Exchange Bill

Minnesota U.S. Representative Chip Cravaack said last week that he plans to introduce a bill in Congress to order exchange of state-owned land in the Boundary Waters for federal land in the Superior National Forest.

Latest Voyageurs Park Newsletter Published

A latest edition of the Voyageurs National Park’s newsletter, The Voyageur Messenger, highlights the park’s Inventory and Monitoring Program and remembers the wildfire of 1936.

Snowy Owls Visiting Northlands

Snowy owls are being spotted in northern Minnesota as the tundra residents seek food south of their usual domain.

Protestors Demonstrate Against Mine

Opposition to plans to mine copper, nickel, and precious metals in northeastern Minnesota took on an “Occupy Wall Street” tone when protesters demonstrated outside a Duluth Chamber of Commerce meeting yesterday.