PolyMet Environmental Statement Delayed

PolyMet Mining, the Canadian company hoping to develop a copper-nickel mine near Hoyt Lakes, annouced in a media release this week that the draft Environmental Impact Statement for the project will not be released until the third quarter of this year.

The draft EIS was originally expected earlier this year.

Project Venture North

Ice fishing, snow shoeing, canoeing and camping – cornerstones of the northwoods experience, yes, but cornerstones of drug and alcohol prevention? Project Venture North, a replica of Project Venture in New Mexico, is betting yes, serving American Indian communities in the Quetico Superior region by connecting kids with nature.

Gunflint Green Up 2009

Third annual Gunflint Green Up is gearing up to plant thousands of white pine and coniferous seedlings in areas of Superior National Forest impacted by the Ham Lake Fire of 2007. Register now for a spring weekend of outdoor work and great fun! May 1-3, 2009.

Moose Population Steady in Voyageurs National Park

According to a Voyageurs National Park press release, a recent survey of the park’s moose population revealted that it is holding steady. The aerial survey sited 45 moose–a pleasant surprise for park officials given the decline of other moose populations acrosss northeastern Minnesota and southern Ontario.

The State of the Wilderness 30 Years After the BWCAW Act of 1978

On the thirtieth anniversary of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness Act of 1978, Wilderness News set out to assess the current state of the wilderness and its management. We uncovered a transformation in the challenges facing the region. Where issues like motor use once topped management concerns, they are giving way to increasingly complex challenges that defy man-made boundaries and may have significant implications for how we think about — and manage — the Boundary Waters.

The 100th Anniversary of the Quetico Superior Region

2009 marks the 100th Anniversary of the initial formation of what would become Quetico Provincial Park and the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. What started as a long and jagged process of preservation and restoration resulted in a huge, roadless and protected forest being celebrated today.


Welcome to Wilderness News Online! We couldn’t be more excited to launch the online version of the Quetico Superior Foundation’s publication Wilderness News. Our goal is to become your online news …


Wilderness News Fall 2008 Issue

The Fall 2008 issue of Wilderness News is online and in the mail. Download a PDF here.                 What’s Inside:   Crossing Boundaries for …


The Changing Nature of Wilderness Protection

Special Feature Part I: The Changing Nature of Wilderness Protection The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness Act from 1978 to Today By Alissa Johnson, Wilderness News Contributor   October marked the 30th …


The Canoe: A Vehicle for the Spirit

Childhood Memories Evoke the Stirrings of Wilderness Experience By Pat Kallemeyn, Wilderness News Contributor   One of my most vivid childhood memories is of the voyager art installed in my hometown’s post …


Historic “Review” Islands Protected

Island home of legendary conservationist Ernest Oberholtzer to remain undeveloped Last September the Minnesota Land Trust and the Ernest C. Oberholtzer Foundation announced the permanent protection of the Review Islands – …


Wilderness News Summer 2008

The Summer 2008 issue of Wilderness News is in the mail and online, download the PDF HERE >             Highlights: Transformation of a Landscape – What …