
Why Do We Return to Wilderness? Wilderness News Fall-Winter 2015


Special Issue: Why Do We Return to Wilderness?

Creating a Legacy: The Quetico Superior Foundation Grant Program

fall20151 At the Quetico Superior Foundation (QSF), our mission is to protect the wilderness character of Minnesota’s border lakes canoe country and Ontario’s Quetico region. We do that through the publication of Wilderness News and by giving grants to non-profit organizations that share our mission. We know that leaving a lasting legacy is better done through the actions of many. Here, we pay tribute to and thank some of the organizations that have put our grants to use over the last few years… Read More >


Wild Minds: Scientists Study the Boundary Waters Brain

By Greg Seitz
fall20152 Does your brain work better in the Boundary Waters? Paddlers have been pondering the profound psychological shifts that take place in the wilderness for as long as humans have been seeking refuge there from the hectic modern world. Now, a researcher from Nebraska has shown that creativity and other cognitive abilities skyrocket in canoe country. By testing college freshmen embarking on a six-day canoe trip, Dr. Frank Ferraro of Nebraska Wesleyan University found their creative thinking capabilities essentially doubled in the wilderness. Read More >


Why do We Return to Wilderness? Thoughts from Our Readers

fall20153-2 “On my early trips it used to take several days for the wilderness to “sink in”; now I find myself immersed almost immediately. I think it is because it is now a comfortable place for me. In my memories I can’t capture this feeling, contentment, and peace of mind. I can’t even describe it. Those who paddle often can understand this. In the midst of this and without even consciously thinking about it, my mind clears and problems of the “real” world disappear. Before the trip I may have been in the middle of making important decisions about life or work…” Read More >


Poem: Listening by Larry Christianson

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fall20154 You’re a loyal reader of Wilderness News magazine, but are you reading our weekly blog posts? Stay up to date with our objective coverage of the most important issues facing the canoe country wilderness. Here are a few of the most popular online articles you may have missed. Go to: queticosuperior.org/blog for more!



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