Wilderness News Fall 2001

wnewsfall2001cover The Fall 2001 issue of Wilderness News is in the mail and online. Download a PDF here >










bwcaw2001prescribedburnmap Prescribed Burns Begin in and Near BWCA

Stunning blue skies and calm, summerlike days prevailed across Minnesota in late September, creating ideal conditions to begin a series of planned burns designed to reduce fuel supplies that could feed uncontrollable Superior National Forest wildfires in areas affected by the July 4, 1999 blowdown.


Voyageurs Management Plan Completed

30-Day Comment Period Underway on Voyageurs Management Plan as Controversy Continues

Learning From the Quetico Burns

Our Summer, 2000 issue reported the plan for controlled burns to be administered in Quetico Provincial Park in the fall of 2000.

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