Meet the Wolf Lake Citizen’s Monitoring Group. Together with the Forest Service, they’re proving that private landowners and the government can work together to care for land. The relationship between the Wolf Lake Citizen’s Monitoring Group and the U.S. Forest Service started in an all too familiar way: in court. In 1997, the Forest Service issued a permit to build a four and half mile road into a stretch of forest on the edge of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness without conducting an Environmental Assessment or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Area landowners gathered more than 100 signatures in protest, beginning a decade of challenges that ended up in court on more than one occasion. And it might have continued that way if a new district ranger hadn’t suggested an alternative in 2007. Read More >
On the surface, two proposed pieces of legislation appear unrelated to wilderness protection. The Sportsmen’s Heritage Act seeks “to protect and enhance opportunities for recreational hunting, fishing and shooting.” The National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act was designed to provide “operational control” for border security on federal public and tribal lands within 100 miles of the Canadian and Mexican borders. But wilderness activists say both bills would undermine the heart of wilderness protection in the United States. Places like the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and Voyageurs National Park could be opened to development and habitat destruction without environmental review. And what’s more, both bills passed the House of Representatives with minimal protest. Read More >
About two hours north of the Twin Cities, YMCA Camp Warren sits on Half Moon Lake near Eveleth, Minnesota. Once a summer home for the Warren Family, the land is now a second home to 85 years worth of summer campers. The Warren Family’s 1880s New England style lodge—affectionately called Homaji—is now the cornerstone of a traditional residential camp. Girls and boys spend their summers there, learning outdoor skills and creating lifelong friendships. Read More >
How a collaborative effort is transferring private land to public stewardship. In the summer of 2010, the Trust for Public Land (TPL) received an inquiry from the Listening Point Foundation.The owners of a 15-acre island across from Listening Point had notified the Foundation that they intended to sell their property. Read More >