Book Review: A Modern-Day Voyageur Family

Paddling the 3,000 Mile Fur Trade Canoe Route Across the U.S. and Canada kentcompositebook

By Timothy J. Kent
Published by Silver Fox Enterprises
(2009, 760 pages, hardcover + DVD with 370 color photos $59.95)

Review by Ralph Frese, Chicagoland Canoe Base

This book certainly offers a tale that sheds light on the past as well as the present. While few readers will ever have the time, the energy, or the courage to retrace such a route as the Kent family has done, at least they can share the many moods of the country, the vagaries of nature that the family encountered, and the changes that man has wrought on some portions of the voyageur highway. I particularly liked the insertion of Doree’s many comments throughout the book, as we do not often have the opportunity to read the distaff side of canoe trips. Tim did a remarkable job of keeping very detailed notes while on the various segments of the route, in order to be able to put together such a complete narrative as he has created. During challenging voyages, this recording of details takes great dedication and effort, and the book is proof of his success at it. I also loved reading the thought-provoking quotes at the head of each chapter! I realize many readers will just pass over them to get into the text, but they add a note of something I am having a difficult time finding words for.


This article appeared in Wilderness News Spring 2010

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