Broad Implications for PolyMet Loan Suit?

A lawsuit brought by a coalition of environmental groups questioning the legality of a Iron Range Resources loan to PolyMet Mining could have wide-ranging implications for projects supported by Minnesota state government money, some worry.

The Timberjay examines the matter HERE.

The suit aims to stop an agreed-upon $4-million loan from Iron Range Resources, a state agency funded by taconite production taxes, and PolyMet Mining, which hopes to build a copper-nickel mine near Babbitt, MN.  The loan would help PolyMet purchase land to swap with the U.S. Forest Service. The suit claims it is illegal for the state to loan money to the enterprise before environmental assessment has been completed and permits issued for the project.

Some lawmakers, however, worry that the suit, if successful, could hamstring a wide range of less controversial projects which have earned state support prior to environmental review and permitting. Some worry the suit could stymie efforts by Iron Range Resources and other state agencies to foster economic development via state support.

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