Michigan legislators propose moose hunting on Isle Royale
A group of four bipartisan legislators want the National Park Service to allow limited hunting, to restore ecological balance as wolf reintroduction continues.
A group of four bipartisan legislators want the National Park Service to allow limited hunting, to restore ecological balance as wolf reintroduction continues.
Federal officials are examining whether the supply of services meets the public needs, and how to manage contentious issues like crowding and motorized use.
Tim Walz talks about PolyMet’s new owner and Twin Metals’ future in a new interview, after staying mostly silent on the subject so far.
Federal payments to local governments offset lost tax revenue from BWCAW lands, but the latest valuation of the Boundary Waters has resulted in a significant reduction.
Eighth District representative proposes legislation to revert to previous system for entry point permits, saying changes have hurt local businesses, affected tourism.
Pair of Minnesota lawmakers propose following Montana’s lead in strengthening rules about the design and oversight of tailings dam, in response to recent catastrophes in other countries.
Lawyers for environmental groups argued last week that Twin Metals’ mineral leases should never have been renewed, and that PolyMet’s land exchange was a bad deal for the public.
Hundreds of people gathered in St. Paul to call for protection of clean water, draw attention to water quality threats throughout the state, including the Boundary Waters region.
Star Tribune says Trump officials should justify how they decided to cancel an environmental review and reopen the opportunity for a mining proposal near the Boundary Waters to proceed.
Designated the entire chain of islands recognizes thousands of years of indigenous connections and creates opportunity to tell new stories.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced plans yesterday to remove gray wolves from Endangered Species Act protections and move management responsibility to states
Youth organization that works to protect the Boundary Waters from copper-nickel mining pollution is organizing another event to provide high school and college students the chance to tell policymakers their stories and ask for stewardship.
Effort to adjust original route to include state’s premier trails along Lake Superior and through the Boundary Waters takes biggest step in 10 years as Senate includes it in omnibus legislation.
Rep. Pete Stauber introduces legislation to ensure PolyMet can hold onto National Forest land it has already acquired.
Federal government funding lapse means no services at the park near International Falls, but nonprofit partners are providing financial support to provide limited staffing.
Young advocates spend two days in the nation’s capital, sharing their stories and asking officials to protect the Boundary Waters.
Two key Democrats have sent a letter to administration officials seeking evidence to back up the September decision.
Retired leader of agency who took steps to prevent mining pollution from harming the wilderness says continued protection is important.
Watch an award-winning student film about how the BWCAW Act of 1978 came to pass, and learn more about the long road to wilderness protection.
Minnesota and Michigan-based academics say the decision to transport new wolves to the Lake Superior site was based on incomplete information.