DNR Seeks Comments on Split Rock

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is accepting public comments on plans to expand the Split Rock Lighthouse State Park Campground.

The state park is located in Lake County along the North Shore of Lake Superior, approximately 40 miles northeast of Duluth, near the towns of Beaver Bay and Silver Bay.

The DNR intends to expand the campground at the park by constructing access roads and adding up to 77 additional campsites and four camper cabins within the existing state park. Comments on the Environmental Assessment Worksheet for the project will be accepted during a 30-day public review period from December 26 to January 25, 2012.

A copy of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet can be found HERE.

Written comments on the Environmental Assessment Worksheet must be submitted no later than 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 25, and to the attention of Ronald Wieland, EAW Project Manager, Environmental Policy and Review Unit, Division of Ecological and Water Resources, DNR, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155-4025.

Electronic or email comments may be sent to Environmentalrev.dnr@state.mn.us with “Split Rock EAW” in the subject line. Written comments also may be sent by fax to 651-297-1500.

Read the full Minnesota DNR media release on the subject HERE.

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