Ely Mayor Sentenced in BWCAW Case

Ely, Minnesota’s mayor Roger Skarba was sentenced yesterday for riding his snowmobile in a federal wilderness area and entering the wilderness without a permit. Skarba received a $3,630. fine, 40 hours of community service, and two years of probation.

The Duluth News-Tribune has the full story HERE.

Skarba, who was ticketed for the offenses in March of 2007, before he was elected mayor of Ely, pleaded guilty to the infractions earlier this year.

According to the News-Tribune, Skraba was also charged in 1980, 1983, 1990, and 1994 for illegal entry into the wilderness as well as illegal motorboat and snowmobile activity.  Skraba has also been convicted in Ontario, Candada for illegal operation of an all-terrain vehicle in the Quetico Provincial Park.

The U.S. Forest Service asked that Skarba be banned from the BWCAW for three years, but the judge in the case declined to impose the restriction since it could hurt his ability to earn a living as a fishing guide.

The conviction and sentencing is unlikely to cost Skarba his job as Ely mayor, according to the John Myers story.

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