Mineral Search Reaches BWCAW Border

The Duluth News-Tribune reports HERE that exploration for copper and nickel resources in Northeastern Minnesota has reached the borders of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness of the Superior National Forest.

More than 100 drilling applications have been submitted to Superior National Forest officials in the past two years.  Nearly all the sites are within 20 miles of the BWCAW, according to John Myers’ comprehensive story.  More then 70 test-drilling permits have been approved. 

Attention is centered on an area between Birch Lake and Little Gabbro Lake.  The News-Tribune has a map of the drilling areas HERE.

Prospectors are eager to ascertain just how wide, deep, and rich the mineral resources in the area are.

Environmental advocates are concerned about the impacts the test-drilling and possible future mining operations would have on the million-acre BWCAW.

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