
Mining Projects near the Boundary Waters

Twin Metals Mining Map BWCA

Stay up-to-date on proposed mining projects near the BWCAW and Superior National Forest, including the latest updates on Twin Metals and PolyMet, permitting status, court challenges, possible threats to the north woods environment, communities, air and water quality. See the map for locations and proximity to wilderness areas and watersheds.


New legislation in Congress would prohibit mining in Boundary Waters watershed

Bill introduced today by Rep. Betty McCollum seeks to stop any and all copper-nickel mining activity in parts of the Superior National Forest where water flows into the wilderness.

Federal legislation requires report on mining threat to international waters

Rep. McCollum includes funding for State Department to study effects on shared border waters, from proposed copper-nickel mining upstream in the Superior National Forest.

Twin Metals submits mine proposal for state and federal review

Proposed copper-nickel mine on the edge of the Boundary Waters is official after company submits first plans and other documents to regulators.

“Not this mine. Not this location.” – Star Tribune editorial calls for halt to Twin Metals

Biggest newspaper in the state says the risks are too great for copper-nickel mining near waters that flow into the wilderness area.
Twin Metals headquarters in Ely.

Minnesota will conduct own environmental review of Twin Metals mine proposal

DNR announces it will analyze the project on its own rather than in partnership with the federal government, unlike the PolyMet process.

Wilderness water and mining woes focus of mini-documentary

Revealing new report on the debate over Twin Metals mine proposal, features opinions in Ely and potential impacts on the Superior National Forest.

PolyMet opponents take case that mine permits are flawed to Court of Appeals

Hearing in St. Paul hosted arguments about numerous contested components of three permits issued to the company by the Department of Natural Resources.

What’s at stake with Twin Metals? Diving into Ely’s mining debate

In-depth report from ‘Almanac’ features interviews with Ely residents holding diverse perspectives on the Twin Metals proposal and what it might mean for the Boundary Waters.
Processing plant PolyMet proposes to use.

Court puts PolyMet mine on pause while investigating new information

Minnesota Court of Appeals orders halt on project after new questions arise about permits, risks, and responsibilities.

PolyMet project put on hold while court considers permitting ‘irregularities’

Controversial copper mine in northern Minnesota will have to wait to move forward until courts consider possible agency cover-up.
Twin Metals headquarters in Ely.

Twin Metals proposes using “dry stacking” mine waste storage technique

Company announces change in plans to avoid using traditional, less safe waste storage technique that nearby PolyMet proposal will use. Some environmental groups have promoted dry stacking but questions remain.  

Legislation initiates discussion of stricter laws for storing mine waste

Pair of Minnesota lawmakers propose following Montana’s lead in strengthening rules about the design and oversight of tailings dam, in response to recent catastrophes in other countries.

Lawsuits move forward against both major Minnesota copper mine proposals

Lawyers for environmental groups argued last week that Twin Metals’ mineral leases should never have been renewed, and that PolyMet’s land exchange was a bad deal for the public.

Star Tribune editorial board calls for release of Forest Service mining study

Star Tribune says Trump officials should justify how they decided to cancel an environmental review and reopen the opportunity for a mining proposal near the Boundary Waters to proceed.

Young people invited to apply for Washington, D.C. trip to lobby for Boundary Waters protection

Youth organization that works to protect the Boundary Waters from copper-nickel mining pollution is organizing another event to provide high school and college students the chance to tell policymakers their stories and ask for stewardship.

Federal government announces plan to renew Twin Metals mineral leases

Public input is now being accepted on a document that describes new leases and conditions to restrict mining impacts.  
Twin Metals headquarters in Ely.

Historical documents related to Twin Metals mineral leases support Obama decision to reject renewal

Newly-found records show government fought against long-term leases and put caveats on the terms to ensure expedient mineral development.

Environmental groups sue to stop PolyMet, strengthen Minnesota mining regulations

Eight organizations file lawsuits to challenge permits for the state’s first copper mine and revise rules.

Members of Congress request details on reopening Boundary Waters watershed to mining

Two key Democrats have sent a letter to administration officials seeking evidence to back up the September decision.

Former Forest Service leader calls for continued protection of Boundary Waters

Retired leader of agency who took steps to prevent mining pollution from harming the wilderness says continued protection is important.