Stay up-to-date on proposed mining projects near the BWCAW and Superior National Forest, including the latest updates on Twin Metals and PolyMet, permitting status, court challenges, possible threats to the north woods environment, communities, air and water quality. See the map for locations and proximity to wilderness areas and watersheds.

Wilderness advocate to run 110 miles across Boundary Waters for clean water awareness
“Where else can you run 100 miles and not have to carry water with you? That clean water is worth protecting.”

EPA identifies Minnesota wild rice waters affected by mine waste, sets up legal battle
Federal agency overrules state’s efforts to ignore sulfate pollution.

Clean Water Act rollback could make it difficult to protect BWCAW water from mining pollution
Proposal from federal government could block MN from protecting lakes and rivers in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.

Flashback: A New Yorker tried to mine copper inside the Boundary Waters
George St. Clair’s efforts to exercise mineral rights he had inherited set off battles in the courts, the newspapers, and legislative bodies from St. Paul to Washington, D.C.

Northern Minnesota mining reports from Trump administration met with criticism
Government agencies release confidential and redacted documents that fail to satisfy wilderness advocates who requested them.

DNR and PolyMet appeal order to conduct judicial review of controversial copper mine permits
State and mining company ask Supreme Court to review decision by Court of Appeals that requires a contested case hearing to consider facts affecting permits in front of a judge.

Federal legislation requires report on mining threat to international waters
Rep. McCollum includes funding for State Department to study effects on shared border waters, from proposed copper-nickel mining upstream in the Superior National Forest.

PolyMet opponents take case that mine permits are flawed to Court of Appeals
Hearing in St. Paul hosted arguments about numerous contested components of three permits issued to the company by the Department of Natural Resources.

Court puts PolyMet mine on pause while investigating new information
Minnesota Court of Appeals orders halt on project after new questions arise about permits, risks, and responsibilities.

PolyMet project put on hold while court considers permitting ‘irregularities’
Controversial copper mine in northern Minnesota will have to wait to move forward until courts consider possible agency cover-up.