More Spraying for Gypsy Moths

adult_female_maleThe Minnesota Department of Agriculture is continuing it’s aerial spraying efforts to stop the spread of invasive gypsy moths in northeastern Minnesota.

The Duluth News-Tribune reported, HERE, recently that 71,000 acres along the North Shore are being treated with a synthetic hormone that disrupts mating. Another 717 acres are being sprayed with a biological insecticide called BTK. The applications are centered around areas near Two Harbors, Split Rock Lighthouse State Park, and Hovland.

As we noted early, HERE, the Department of Agriculture sprayed for the invasive insects in June as well.

Gypsy moths were imported from Europe in the 1860s. They are voracious leaf-eaters that can defoliate entire trees. Oaks and aspens are especially susceptible to the insect which has few North American predators. Repeated defoliations by the pests can lead to the death trees.

Gypsy moths infest much of the United States east of Minnesota.

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