Namakan Sturgeon Study Enters Third Year

acipenser_fulvescens_glerl-3A study examining the health and behavior of the Namakan Reservoir’s lake sturgeon population has entered its third year. The study, which could have an impact on proposed hydroelectric projects on Ontario’s Namakan River, seeks to establish baseline information on health of this species of “special concern” in both Minnesota and Ontario.

The International Falls Daily Journal recently ran THIS in-depth story about the study.

There’s an older story on the project written for the Fort Frances Times archived HERE.

Prior to the proposal for hydroelectric projects in the Namakan basin by the Ojibway Power and Energy Group, little research had been done locally on the long-lived fish. During the course of this extensive study, researchers are better understanding the health of the Namakan lake sturgeon population and learning in detail the behavior of sturgeon in the Namakan basin.

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