Superior National Forest invites public to open houses

Superior National Forest headquarters, Duluth. (All photos by Greg Seitz/Quetico Superior Wilderness News)
Gunflint Ranger District office, Grand Marais.

The Superior National Forest has announced a series of open houses at its headquarters and ranger stations across the three million acre forest in the next few months. “Attendees will meet staff, learn about career opportunities, and engage with project and program managers on current and upcoming forest projects,” the agency says.

Forest Supervisor Tom Hall will join local district rangers for all the open houses.

  • October 24, 4 to 6 p.m.
    Laurentian District Office
    318 Forestry Road, Aurora, 218-453-8650
  • November 9, 4 to 6 p.m.
    Supervisor’s Office
    8901 Grand Avenue Place, Duluth, 218-626-4300
  • December 5, 4 to 6 p.m.
    LaCroix District Office
    320 N. Highway 53, Cook, 218-666-0020
  • December 7, 4 to 6 p.m.
    Kawishiwi District Office
    1393 Highway 168, Ely, 218-365-7600
  • 2024 Date TBD
    Tofte District Office
    7655 W. Highway 61, Tofte, 218-663-8060
    More information coming soon.

The first open house was held at the Gunflint District Office in Grand Marais on October 10. WTIP News interviewed Supervisor Hall at the event and provided update on several big stories centered on the National Forest this year.

Hall said the open houses are similar to events held last year, shortly after he started as Supervisor.

“We got such good feedback from the public, from our partners, we wanted to make this an annual event,” he said.

Topics of recent interest include the Lutsen Mountains expansion plan, a Memorandum of Understanding signed with northern Minnesota Ojibwe bands, towboats, and commercial services.

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