Superior National Forest recreational fees increase

The fee changes include the Lake Jeanette campground, located near the BWCAW. (All photos courtesy USFS)

The USDA Superior National Forest (USFS) recently increased recreational fees throughout the forest. This was due to rising maintenance and operational costs. In the summer of 2023, the Forest Service invited public comment on the fee change proposal. An advisory committee representing multiple outdoor interests recently approved the proposal.

The Forest Service has included the following fee changes:

  • The fees at eight developed campgrounds and one new cabin have increased (see listing below).
  • The reservation window for Echo Lake, McDougal Lake, Little Isabella River, and Jeanette Lake Campgrounds has changed to seven days (sites cannot be reserved less than seven days before the reservation date).
  • The reservation window for Pfeiffer Lake Campground is now the day of arrival (sites can be reserved up to the day of arrival).
  • The reservation season for Echo Lake and Lake Jeanette runs from May 9 to Sept. 2, and from May 9 to Sept. 30 for Ninemile Lake, Little Isabella River, Pfeiffer Lake, and McDougal Lake.
  • Divide Lake sites will remain available on a first-come, first-served basis throughout the season.
  • The Forest Service may implement a new cabin and fee for Wolf Island Cabin. If added as a fee cabin rental, the anticipated opening is in 2027 or 2028, or it may be operated by a private concessionaire under a special use permit.

Breakdown of fees

Site NameSite TypeNew FeesSite Size
Echo Lake CampgroundCampground$18 per single site
$9 per extra vehicle
Maximum of 9 people per site.
Echo Lake Group CampgroundCampground$30 per nightMaximum of 21 people at site.
Lake Jeanette CampgroundCampground$18 per single site
$9 per extra vehicle
Maximum of 9 people per site.
Pfeiffer Lake CampgroundCampground$18 per single site
$9 per extra vehicle
Maximum of 9 people per site.
Divide Lake CampgroundCampground$18 per single site
$9 per extra vehicle
Maximum of 9 people per site.
Little Isabella River CampgroundCampground$18 per single site
$9 per extra vehicle
Maximum of 9 people per site.
McDougal Lake CampgroundCampground$18 per single site
$9 per extra vehicle
Maximum of 9 people per site.
Ninemile Lake CampgroundCampground$18 per single site
$9 per extra vehicle
Maximum of 9 people per site.
Little Isabella River Campground
McDougal Lake Campground
Long-term Camping$504
$9 per extra vehicle
Maximum of 9 people per site.
Ninemile Campground, located north of Finland, MN, operates on a first-come, first-served basis.

Revenue funds maintenance and operations

Since Congress passed the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act in 2004, the Forest Service has kept 95% of the fees collected at recreation sites. They use these funds to operate, maintain, and improve the sites, covering expenses such as trash pickup, septic and toilet pumping, painting, cleaning, patrols, and campsite and trail maintenance.

According to the Ely Echo, the fee increase follows the Forest Service’s public outreach in the summer of 2023 regarding the proposed changes. The recommended adjustments were based on the amenities and services provided, as well as the cost of operations and ongoing maintenance.

On October 11, the Superior National Forest Secure Rural Schools Resource Advisory Committee, which includes members from various outdoor advocacy groups, approved the fee changes. The committee provides advice and input to the USFS on allocating funds. As a result, these funds support projects that improve the health of the forest, enhance recreational opportunities, and benefit local communities in the region.

Finally, on December 2, Tony Dixon, the USFS Eastern Regions Regional Forester, reviewed and approved the final fee changes.

Visitors can make camping reservations within the SNF online. Recreational activities throughout the forest include boating, hiking, fishing, hunting, wildlife viewing, and winter sports.

Campgrounds within the Superior National Forest. (Image, ©MapBox, ©OpenStreetMap)

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