Reintroduced bills leave BWCAW protection in the balance

Two bills have been reintroduced to the legislature to address wilderness protection and mining practices near the BWCAW. Supporters of mining highlight its positive impact on local revenue and economic growth. However, opponents continue to advocate for protecting the wilderness and surrounding areas, noting that they contain some of the cleanest waters on Earth.

Proposed amendments aim to overturn the 20-year mining ban

Last week, Representative Pete Stauber attached five amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act. These aim to overturn the 20-year mining ban near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW). While four of those amendments were defeated, one remains under review.

Legislators seek to ban risky mining practices in BWCA wilderness watershed

New legislation has been announced at the Minnesota state capitol, seeking to strengthen protections of the Boundary Waters from mining pollution. Chief authors Sen. Kelly Morrison and Rep. Sandra Feist seek to put legal restrictions on four specific mining practices they say represent unacceptable risk upstream of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.