Wilderness News Summer 2004

wnewsummer2004 The Summer 2004 issue of Wilderness News is online and in the mail.

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What’s Inside:

mallardisland-JAPANESE Mallard Island Ernest Oberholtzer’s Dream; The Dream Goes On: The Later History of Mallard Island

During Ernest Oberholtzer’s active years, the island he accepted in lieu of back wages in 1922 was, indeed, a university of the wilderness. Friends of the Quetico-Superior and founders of the Wilderness Society joined writers, painters, musicians, native berry-pickers and Rainy Lake neighbors at his table. They slept in Bird House, Japanese House, Front House, Cook’s House, Cedarbark House. They dipped into the ever-growing personal library of this most eclectic learner. They listened to him play the violin… MORE >

The Roadless Area Conservation Rule

The Roadless Area Conservation Rule is the most significant public lands conservation measure of recent years. Protecting nearly 60 million acres of national forest land form logging and road-building, including 147,000 acres of the Quetico Superior region… MORE >

magneticnorth-bookBook Review: Toward Magnetic North The Oberholtzer-Magee 1912 Canoe Journey to Hudson Bay

When a group of dedicated volunteers undertakes a project, and succeeds, the result typically rises above anything that simple commercial enterprise is capable of achieving. Such is the case with the book Toward Magnetic North, published by the Oberholtzer Foundation in Minnesota. This volume fairly sparkles… MORE >


The Quetico Foundation Celebrates 50 Years of Wilderness Protection

The Quetico Foundation came into being in 1954 with the encouragement and support of the Quetico Superior Foundation. It is dedicated to the protection of Quetico Provincial Park and other wilderness parks in Ontario. Although the focus has primarily been on Quetico, the Foundation has played a significant role in the establishment and protection of other wilderness parks such as Polar Bear… MORE >

Dolmen stones near Lake Lujenida. Photo by Gary Meinz.

Dolmen Stones in the Boundary Waters

Just an easy paddle from the Sawbill Landing you may find one of the Boundary Waters’ hidden mysteries. MORE >


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