
Oil Spill Impact on Loons, Pelicans Studied

A major, mutli-year study to determine the impact of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill on Minnesota’s loon and pelican populations is underway, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources announced yesterday.

Moose Also Struggling in Canada

Moose populations on the Canadian side of the Quetico-Superior region’s international boundary are also showing long-term declines according to aerial surveys by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

Minnesota DNR Releases Moose Plan

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources released its Moose Research and Management Plan yesterday, in hopes of maintaining the animal’s presence in Minnesota.

Imagining a Changed Quetico

An increase in the severity of weather in the Quetico and Atitkokan region is likely to change the area’s forests, researchers say.

Volunteers Needed for Voyageurs Event

Voyageurs National Park is seeking participants for a two-day event September 9 and 10 to help Minnesota’s only National Park with conservation and maintenance work called the Volunteer Rendezvous.

Voyageurs to Conduct Deer Tick Survey

Voyageurs National Park officials are partnering with the Minnesota Department of Health this summer to collect data on deer ticks. Deer ticks are known to carry pathogens for Lyme Disease and other maladies.

USFWS Concerned About Stricken Bats

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced yesterday that bats stricken with white nose syndrome may warrant federal protection as threatened or endangered species. One of the species, the northern long-eared bat, is a northeastern Minnesota resident.

Ruffed Grouse Populations Still High

Northern Minnesota’s population of ruffed grouse remains high according to recent drumming counts conducted by Minnesota’s Department of Natural Resource.

Minnesotans Asked to Collect Dead Loons

Minnesotans are being asked to gather dead loons to help biologists learn the bird’s main causes of death in a statewide study sponsored by the state’s Department of Natural Resources.

Will Oil Spill Impact Loon Numbers?

With the ice now out on most Quetico-Superior area lakes, experts are wondering if the region’s common loon population will have been impacted last year’s Gulf of Mexico Oil spill.

Sturgeon Research Headlines VNPA Event

Voyageurs National Park ecologist Steve Windels will offer insights into research on Lake Sturgeon at the Voyageurs National Park Association members and friends event on April 19 in Minneapolis.

Deer Herd Feeling Winter’s Impact

The northeastern Minnesota deer herd is showing the impact of a harsh winter, according to Department of Natural Resources officialswho are finding dead deer around the region.

Bat Disease Causes Soudan Mine Concerns

A disease responsible for the death of more than a million North American bats is a cause of concern for managers of Soudan Mine Mine State Park in northeastern Minnesota.

Moose Decline Continues in NE Minnesota

The number of moose in northeastern Minnesota continues to fall, according to aerial survey results released by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The current population is now estimated at 4900 animals, down from the 5500 estimated last year.

Harsh Winter Tough on Deer Herd

Cold temperatures and deep snow are beginning to have an impact on northern Minnesota’s deer herd, according to Minnesota Department of Natural Resources observations.

GPS-Collar Moose Study Underway

In an on-going effort to understand the reasons behind decline in Minnesota’s moose population, a study using global positioning system technology to track the massive ungulates in underway.

Voyageurs Continues Collared Moose Study

Nineteen adult moose will be captured and fitted with telemetry collars this month as part of a continuing project to investigate the potential effects of climate change and other factors on the long-term viability of moose in Voyageurs National Park.

McFarland Lake Shoreline Protected

Nearly 1,200 feet of shoreline on McFarland Lake just outside the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness has been protected via a conservation easement facilitated by the Minnesota Land Trust.