Explore Quetico Superior

The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness – Quetico Provincial Park – Voyageurs National Park – The border lakes of the old “Voyageurs Highway” – The North Shore of Lake Superior – The Watersheds of Rainy Lake, Pigeon River and Lake of the Woods -The Crownlands of Southwestern Ontario

The jewels of the Quetico Superior Region are historically, ecologically and culturally unique. As Sigurd F. Olson reminded us, “This is the most beautiful lake country on the continent. We can afford to cherish and protect it. In the end, we turn to nature in a frenzied, chaotic world—there to find silence, oneness, wholeness…spiritual release.”


History of the Region



“The…country of northeastern Minnesota and western Ontario is a land set apart. Still beautiful, remote, and primeval, the lake-spangled forests…are typical of the northern wilderness that once stretched from the coasts of Labrador and Maine to the prairies of Minnesota and Manitoba. Ever since the first French explorers scouted the country in the late 1600’s, it has been an arena where ambitious men have advanced conflicting interests and ideas. For two centuries, hard-fisted trappers, prospectors, and lumbermen stripped the country of its wealth. About 1900 a few individuals applied a brake to the tradition of pillage. Gradually, they convinced the public that an unspoiled solitude of pristine lakes, green forests and wild lands was essential to the well-being of human society. Sixty years of tireless campaigning evolved a concept of wilderness preservation…”

– R. Newell Searle, Saving Quetico Superior, A Land Set Apart