Fall 2009 Issue of Wilderness News

wnewsfall2009sm The Fall 2009 issue of Wilderness News (the print edition) is here! If you’re a subscriber, watch for your mailed copy soon. Or download a PDF of the full issue, HERE.








Highlights include:

 French River Rapids (oil on canvas), 1848-1856; by Paul Kane. Used with permission of the Royal Ontario Museum copyright ROM.

Cover Story: Painting History

The actual site depicted in a famous Paul Kane painting is found, providing new insights into Quetico Provincial Park’s fur trade past. READ MORE >




Wilderness News Book Review: Our Neck of the Woods

Edited by Daniel J. Philippon, Published by the University of Minnesota Press. A collection of essays celebrating northern Minnesota life. READ MORE >




Wilderness News Profile: Paul Schurke

To meet Paul Schurke in person is to forget that you are standing in the company of an Arctic explorer. He wears the crinkled eyes and bronzed face of a life lived outside, but he is cloaked in the quiet demeanor of someone habitually observing the smallest of nature’s details—a line of wolf tracks across a frozen lake or the first bright crocus blossom of spring. READ MORE >



LegC-BottomCanoe-EatonCanoe the Heart of the Continent Centennial Canoe Voyage

Last July, the Canoe the Heart Expedition commemorated the centennial of Quetico Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada and the centennial of Superior National Forest in Minnesota. It also promoted the continued efforts of the Heart of the Continent Partnership to encourage collaboration among the government agencies, nonprofit organizations, citizen interest groups and communities that have a stake in the health and vitality of the region. READ MORE >

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