aerial view of spruce budworm affected trees

Worst Spruce budworm outbreak in northern Minnesota since 1961

The Spruce budworm, native to Minnesota, has spiked in numbers as state and federal agencies, along with conservationists, are working to mitigate the issue. Repeated and sustained outbreaks, seen in dead or dying balsam fir and white spruce are a signal of poor forest health…

Map of land protected near BWCA from mining interests

Advocacy group purchases land near the BWCAW

Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness recently purchased 361 acres of land along the South Kawishiwi River. This scenic river borders the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and is considered one of America’s most endangered rivers.

No longer “off the grid” – phone satellite coverage coming to BWCA

Full smartphone satellite coverage may be coming to the Boundary Waters sooner than you think. If made permanent, users would have the same level of connectivity that they experience daily. Wilderness areas like the BWCA could have full coverage by 2025. Search and rescue response expects to benefit…

Tail End of the Greenwood Fire September 20, 2021 - Photo Credit Val Cervenka

Boundary Waters Wildfires 2021

Superior Hiking Trail closed, Boundary Waters closed due to fires. Updated maps, photos from fires in Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and Superior National Forest as official information is available. Greenwood Fire grows, Moose Lake Fire detected…