Amy Adair, Quetico Foundation Intern Biologist, measures crayfish as part of a study to assess the impact and risk of invasive crayfish on the aquatic ecosystem in Quetico Provincial Park. Photo by Brian Jackson.

Climate Change in the Northwoods Part III: What People Are Doing

In the last two issues of Wilderness News, we’ve taken a look at climate change in the northwoods. In this final installment, we look at some of the things people are doing to cope with and address climate change. In the Quetico-Superior Region, climate change is not something looming on the horizon.

Hiking near Carlton’s Peak on the Superior Hiking Trail. Photo courtesy Superior Hiking Trail Association.

Three Decades of Superior Hiking

This summer, thirty years after a pair of trailbuilders first started flagging a hiking route along the ridges overlooking Lake Superior on Minnesota’s North Shore, the Superior Hiking Trail will be finished—mostly. The final section of the trail, connecting it to the Wisconsin border southeast of Duluth, should be completed by Labor Day. Hikers will then be able to travel from that point all the way to the Canadian border on the trail that has been called one of the best in America. But the work is never done. Hundreds of volunteers will continue to put in thousands of hours each year keeping the trail in good condition.

Sunrise on Rainy Lake, photo by Joshua Henderson.

Voyageurs—A Must Visit National Park

The National Park of Minnesota’s north woods celebrates the Park Service’s Centennial. One hundred years ago this August 25th, President Woodrow Wilson signed into law the National Park Service. For the …


What will it take to get you outdoors?

In a recent article for the Star Tribune, writer Tori McCormick sums it up: “What will it take to get you outdoors and into nature? Can you be persuaded, either through …


Hiking Voyageurs National Park

Voyageurs National Park may be best known for paddling and boating, but for the hiker it offers spectacular vistas and a variety of forest scenery. The park has just launched a Hike to Health program and opened the new Rainy Lake Recreation Trail — two great reasons to plan a trip to Voyageurs…