Meeting to Connect Communities, Land

Finding new ways to connect local communities to the public lands near them is the thrust of an upcoming meeting of the Heart of the Continent Partnership scheduled for February 24-25 in Eveleth.

Women in the Wilderness

“We can do it. We can do it without a guide.” By Rob Kesselring Wilderness News Contributor It started with a dare in 1986. Seven female volunteers at a nature center …


Heart of the Continent Seeks Communities

The Heart of the Continent Partnership, an association of land managers, researchers, government officials, and local stakeholders, is seeking to add representatives of the region’s communities to its collaborative effort.

Hub’s Place – The Wilderness Research Center

The landscape of northeast Minnesota would look different today if not for the efforts of a Harvard educated, Chicago lawyer by the name of Frank Hubachek. Born in 1894 to parents of means and influence, Hubachek spent his boyhood holidays in northern Minnesota and learned at a young age the need to experience nature in unspoiled, unfenced settings. It may be tempting to assume that rich people don’t get their hands dirty, that Hubachek’s support was purely financial or legal and that the real firebrands of the wilderness preservation effort were the likes of Ernest Oberholtzer and Sigurd Olson, but you would be wrong.

Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness

Last spring, the Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness welcomed new director Paul Danicic. Paul recently shared his thoughts on the state of the wilderness and the Friends’ role in protecting it with Wilderness News contributor Alissa Johnson. Originally published in part in the Summer 2009 issue of Wilderness News, read the full interview here.

Update: Namakan River Dam Project

The Spring 2008 issue of Wilderness News covered a proposed dam at High Falls on the Namakan River west of Quetico Provincial Park in Ontario. A project with environmental impacts on both sides of the border, the Ojibway Power and Energy Group (OPEG) is preparing to release its Environmental Assessment as part of a proponent-led approval process.

Historic “Review” Islands Protected

Island home of legendary conservationist Ernest Oberholtzer to remain undeveloped Last September the Minnesota Land Trust and the Ernest C. Oberholtzer Foundation announced the permanent protection of the Review Islands – …


Sunnier Days on Rainy Lake

There is peace – or at least a cease-fire – in one of Minnesota’s longest-lived environmental and land-use conflicts. Leaders from Voyageurs National Park and the city of International Falls, two …


Fletcher “Fancy” 14’ Wood-Canvas Canoe

Building History

By Laura Puckett, Wilderness News Contributor As iconic as the tall pines or the swaths of exposed granite in Quetico-Superior is the image of a canoe cutting a delicate wake across …


North House Folk School

By Charlie Mahler, Wilderness News Contributor This month, students in Bill Lane’s saw-whet and boreal owling class at North House Folk School in Grand Marais won’t just be tromping through the …